= macOS Ventura Problems = == General Issues == First of all, please read [wiki:Migration]. == Xcode 14.1 == #Xcode14.1 As of 2022 November 1, macOS 13 Ventura has been released to the public. However, Apple did not release Xcode 14.1 as intended, but this is the required version of Xcode providing the macOS 13 Ventura SDK. On migration, you might encounter this error message: {{{ Error: The installed version of Xcode (14.0.1) is too old to use on the installed OS version. Version 14.1 or later is recommended on macOS 13. }}} The workaround right now is to install **Xcode 14.1 Release Candidate 2** together with **Command Line Tools for Xcode 14.1 Release Candidate 2**, which can both be downloaded from [https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=Xcode developer.apple.com]. == Updating MacPorts Base == MacPorts must be [https://www.macports.org/install.php re-installed] in a version configured for macOS 13 Ventura. Ensure you have Xcode 14.1 or greater installed and selected (e.g. `sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer`), and that you have the command line tools installed (`xcode-select --install`). You also have to agree to the license by running `sudo xcodebuild -license`. There have been reports that the `-license` option might not be sufficient alone, and following command might be required to agree to the license: `sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch` == Rosetta 2 and build_arch == MacPorts defaults to building for the architecture that it is running as. If you have a universal MacPorts installation on an Apple Silicon Mac, and you run it from a terminal emulator that is not a native arm64 binary, MacPorts will end up being run as x86_64, and will build ports accordingly, which can be unexpected. This can be corrected by explicitly setting `build_arch arm64` in macports.conf, or by using a native terminal emulator. == Tickets for Broken Ports == [[TicketQuery(component=ports&status!=closed&keywords~=ventura,or,component=ports&status!=closed&keywords~=13.0)]] [[TicketQuery(component=ports&status!=closed&keywords!~=ventura,and,keywords!~=13.0&summary~=Venturay,or,summary=~[^0-9]13\.0[^0-9])]]