
Clemens Lang

I read the mastodon hashtag #macports, chances are I'll reply when you have a question regarding MacPorts matching this filter.

Tickets for base, guide, website, …

Reported Tickets

Finalize and merge gsoc10-configfiles
Finalize and merge gsoc11-post-destroot
Support ignoring license limitations in port mirror
Move binary archive signing public key to ports tree
Evaluate replacing getopt with pure-getopt in mpbb to avoid getopt dependency in Travis CI
Document portmgr timeout
Document milestone field handling for base tickets

Assigned Tickets

uninstalling macports could be easier
buildbot: add support for building ports with variants
Use size from checksums for curl progress bar when server does not supply length header
Find a better place for documentation
Evaluate replacing getopt with pure-getopt in mpbb to avoid getopt dependency in Travis CI
Document milestone field handling for base tickets


MacPorts base could support out-of-source builds, or tell user that it doesn't
Automatically clean builds with old statefile formats
Avoid building ports with unmet dependencies or try to build dependencies with requested variants
port select should record its symlinks in the registry
use "configure.includes {path1 path2}" instead of "configure.cppflags -I{path1} -I{path2}"
Implement a function to create stable tarballs
Provide a generic extract command in base
"---> Attempting to fetch" doesn't start in a new line
buildbot improvements
Buildbot: create a new factory to aid with new MacPort releases
Add xz to "base" to allow changing the default compression format to .tar.xz in the future
mp-buildbot: use tools curl instead of macOS curl
mp-buildbot: incorrect error message when a port cannot be installed due to arch mismatch
Buildbot fails incorrectly if calculated dependency tree becomes invalid during installation
Buildbot: use GitHub authentication
buildbot: add support for building ports with variants
Ability to list just emails or just GitHub usernames of maintainers
Pextlib/xinstall : don't ignore directory chmod errors silently
macports-base codesigning ?
variants set with default_variant don't propagate the same way as variants set by the user do.
make test uses the installed version of MacPorts, not the just-built one
Finalize and merge gsoc10-configfiles
Finalize and merge gsoc11-post-destroot
Document portmgr timeout
Remove prefix string from darwintrace.dylib and Pextlib.dylib
rev-upgrade: Handling missing architectures on libraries
sip-workaround / trace mode no longer works on arm64 macOS ≥ 13 due to new security features

Tickets for ports

Reported Tickets

MPM-ITK support for apache2 port
gnome-settings-daemon fails to build with gtk3 +quartz -x11
macFUSE is closed source, we should not package it

Assigned Tickets

hsshellscript @2.1.0_1 (devel) 'cannot satisfy -package util' and build errors
pxsl-tools @1.0.1: configure failure
nginx: each module should be in a separate port
nginx: each module's distfile name should include the name of the module
wkhtmltopdf: update to 0.12.6
ocaml-cudf: make: ocamlbuild: No such file or directory
rust: openssl3 migration: builds failing for 10.8 and earlier; embedded cargo binary linked to openss11
shared-mime-info @2.2_1: non sudo build clashes with sudo build
gerbil @2020-05-06-5a7705f: build failure on arm64
dblatex @0.3.12_2 still needs Python 3.10


ImageMagick: expected '#pragma omp' clause before 'omp_throttle'
RFE: Have curl-ca-bundle install individual .pem files in ${prefix}/etc/openssl/certs
Information disclosure vulnerability with apache2 and other web servers
Ports that use qmake: consider using the new qmake portgroup
Add "enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128" variant to openssl?
new rstudio-server Portfile
py27-virtualenvwrapper: Does not use virtualenv with appropriate suffix
nspr does not build archs consistently
Can't build encfs-1.7.5-135_2 on OSX 10.6.8
openjade fails in trace mode (transfer too large)
cmake portgroup: use ninja and/or speed up destroot install?
tomcat8 @ 8.0.24 looking for review/feedback/help
go @1.4.2: fails to build with tracemode
perl5: improve / reimplement packaging
new port capnproto-java
Ports that depend on old llvm versions should be updated
Obsoleted ports hosted on Google Code
coexistence of libressl, libressl-devel, openssl, boringssl, etc.
What happened to SHLIB_LDFLAGS?
Trace Install of Portgroup haskell_stack Ports Fail
boost - Migrate remaining ports to use the Boost PortGroup
libgeoip: migrate dependents to libmaxminddb
openssl11 @1.1.1n_0+universal: does not respect macosx_deployment_target configuration option
virt-manager @4.1.0_1+quartz: fails on start with +[NSPlaceholderMutableString initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called.
openvpn3 @3.8.3: Main thread exception: OpenSSL: error:1E08003C:DECODER routines::OSSL_DECODER lib
glib2, glib2-devel @2.80.0 conflicts with gobject-introspection
openssl3 @3.2.1: does not respect minos or sdk settings on build
lmdbxx @ checksum mismatch
Ports that depend on non-existent / removed ports

Related to rev-upgrade

No results

Related to trace mode

openjade fails in trace mode (transfer too large)
go @1.4.2: fails to build with tracemode
darwintrace cannot inject into binaries of a different architecture (missing arm64e)
R @4.0.2: configure hangs under trace mode
port command hangs under tracemode
perl: posix_spawn: ${prefix}/var/macports/sip-workaround/502/usr/bin/perl5.xx: No such file or directory

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Nov 14, 2022, 12:48:47 PM