= Paul Magrath = * IRC Nick: pmagrath * E-Mail: pmagrath ''AT'' macports.org Paul Magrath (aka me!) is a Computer Science student at Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland who is one of the Google Summer of Code 2008 participants who will be working on MacPorts. I'll be working on various issues around root privileges. Specifically, implementing a facility to reduce the need to execute MacPorts as root, by adding facilities to mark ports as requiring root, by dropping root privileges where possible, and perhaps by keeping repository in per-user space. My GSoC mentor is [wiki:raimue Rainer Müller]. Paul is also available in #macports on FreeNode as '''pmagrath'''. == Tickets == === [query:reporter=pmagrath@macports.org Reported Tickets] === [[TicketQuery(reporter=pmagrath@macports.org&status=new|assigned|reopened, table)]] === [query:owner=pmagrath@macports Assigned Tickets] === [[TicketQuery(owner=pmagrath@macports.org&status=new|assigned|reopened)]] === [query:cc=pmagrath@macports On CC] === [[TicketQuery(cc~=pmagrath@macports.org&status=new|assigned|reopened)]] [wiki:MacPortsDevelopers Back to the MacPorts developers page]