Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#43782 closed defect

grace still crashing with SIGSYS — at Initial Version

Reported by: varadharajan.srinivasan@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.2.1
Keywords: Cc:
Port: grace


Dear all,

I have been trying in vain to install grace on by MacBook Pro running 10.9.2. I upgraded to this from Mountain Lion sometime last year. I have also (just today) reinstalled MacPorts following as closely as possible the migration instructions on . I then installed openmotif using ports and then tried first a port installation of grace which gave me the SIGSYS error. Then on searching I found this discussion about it and tried a source install with

./configure --x-includes=/opt/local/include --x-libraries=/opt/local/lib --with-motif-library=-lXm CPPFLAGS="-O1 -I/opt/local/include" CFLAGS=-O1

(I added the CFLAGS because otherwise the compilation was being done with O2 regardless). I even tried the configuration without the CPPFLAGS change and in all cases I am still getting the SIGSYS error. I am quite frustrated by this as I used to have xmgrace work just fine on my machine until the upgrade.

I realize this is a discussed issue but I was really hoping someone could help me. I attach below the crash report.

Best, Vardha.

Change History (1)

Changed 10 years ago by varadharajan.srinivasan@…

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