Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#51302 closed request (invalid)

Dovecot Setup Issue.

Reported by: karl@… Owned by: markd@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: guide Version: 2.3.4
Keywords: Cc:



I have a Mac mini running OS X Yosemite and I'm attempting to follow these instructions:

I have a problem here: Step 2: create directories

When I enter the following at the command line: sudo chown _dovecot:_dovecot /opt/local/var/log/dovecot OS X responds with the following: chown: _dovecot: illegal group name

Previous command line code entered, from here: sudo dscl . -create /Groups/_dovecot sudo dscl . -create /Groups/_dovecot UniqueID 30 sudo dscl . -create /Users/_dovecot sudo dscl . -create /Users/_dovecot UserShell /bin/false sudo dscl . -create /Users/_dovecot RealName "Dovecot IMAP Server" sudo dscl . -create /Users/_dovecot UniqueID 30 sudo dscl . -create /Users/_dovecot PrimaryGroupID 30 sudo dscl . -create /Users/_dovecot NFSHomeDirectory /opt/local/var/run/dovecot

Notes: The _dovecot Group isn't assigned a PrimaryGroupID, but instead a UniqueID. A PrimaryGroupID of 30 is assigned to the _dovecot User. When I view a list of all Groups via the following command: dscl . readall /groups I see a PrimaryGroupID of 30 has already been assigned to _keytabusers.

I’m unsure what to do; the following are potential options: Assign the Group _dovecot a PrimaryGroupID; this may prevent the 'chown: _dovecot: illegal group name' OS X response. Assign a different PrimaryGroupID, i.e. other than 30, to both User and Group to avoid the potential conflict with _keytabusers.

There may have already been a _dovecot User or Group in the 200 range that I deleted as a result of my confusion. Perhaps this was assigned during the earlier 'Install dovecot' command, i.e. 'port install dovecot'. Do you know what the original PrimaryGroupID of such a User or Group was? If a different PrimaryGroupID is used, i.e. other than 30, presumably the one I deleted would be best.

Another option is to upgrade to OS X El Capitan, although I'm not sure whether that will remove the dovecot install thereby allowing me to start again. I'm also unsure whether I could run the 'port install dovecot' command a second time in OS X Yosemite to restore the _dovecot User / Group.

Thanks and best regards, Karl.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Keywords: Dovecot removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

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