Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#58841 closed defect (fixed)

Update Qt5 ports to Qt 5.13

Reported by: pmetzger (Perry E. Metzger) Owned by: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: yan12125 (Chih-Hsuan Yen)
Port: Qt5


Qt 5.13 was released a couple of months ago; it would be good to update the MacPorts packages that are currently at 5.12.4

Change History (13)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)

Thanks for the information.
I did not notice that Qt5 had been update 5.13.
However, 5.13.1 should be release soon.
I will probably wait until then.

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by pmetzger (Perry E. Metzger)

That is indeed in only a few days.

comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by yan12125 (Chih-Hsuan Yen)

Qt 5.13.1 is released (1).

From (2),

Qt 5.13 requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 version on Linux and Windows.

Does that apply to macOS, too? If so, ticket:52101 needs to be addressed first.



comment:4 Changed 5 years ago by yan12125 (Chih-Hsuan Yen)

Cc: yan12125 added

comment:5 Changed 5 years ago by pmetzger (Perry E. Metzger)

Generally: it would be really nice if we could handle having *two* versions of a library in MacPorts. Having to delay upgrades until absolutely everything is ready is quite a pain.

comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by pmetzger (Perry E. Metzger)

I believe that OpenSSL 1.1.1 is now in place, so there should be nothing more blocking this, yes?

comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by pmetzger (Perry E. Metzger)

Marcus, is there anything more blocking this that I can help with?

comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)

The current issue is Qt WebEngine.
It requires a more recent version than MacPorts provides.
I am working on updating ICU, but it is slow going (there has already been one attempt).
Sorry for the delay.

comment:9 Changed 5 years ago by pmetzger (Perry E. Metzger)

Is there any way we can rig things up finally so that two packages can use libraries at different revisions? This is becoming a real problem across macports. It should not be necessary for two completely unrelated packages that don't link together to use the same revision of some library; we should be able to have both libraries installed at once.

comment:10 Changed 5 years ago by reneeotten (Renee Otten)

with the icu versionioning issue presumably resolved, is there anything else blocking an update of this port?

comment:11 Changed 5 years ago by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)

No, there is not.
Unfortunately, with all the delays, a new version of Qt was released.
I am working on an update now.

comment:12 Changed 5 years ago by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 2d768f02bf908e86e0ba34ba56cf155d9d76033c/macports-ports (master):

qt5: update version 5.12.5->5.13.2

Fixes #58841

comment:13 Changed 5 years ago by pmetzger (Perry E. Metzger)


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