Opened 17 months ago

#66526 new defect

Port space command ignores hardlinks in it's total size calculations

Reported by: esbugz Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: base Version: 2.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


I'm using port space --units MB installed | sort -n # MacPorts: list ports by size

I get 523.30 MB git @2.39.0_0

This is incorrect since git has ~140 files 3.2m each (or physical 1.6m, not sure why there is such a big discrepancy here for a single file) that are actually hardlinks to a single file

The port space command should calculate the size of a file as file size/count of hardlinks and then sum this up to get the size of a port instead of summing up file size's as is

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