1 | # $Id$ |
2 | |
3 | PortSystem 1.0 |
4 | |
5 | name gambit-c |
6 | version 4.4.4 |
7 | set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .] |
8 | categories lang scheme |
9 | platforms darwin |
10 | maintainers gmail.com:arto.bendiken |
11 | description Gambit-C is a fast Scheme implementation. |
12 | long_description Gambit-C includes a Scheme interpreter and a Scheme \ |
13 | compiler which can be used to build standalone \ |
14 | executables. Because the compiler generates portable \ |
15 | C code it is fairly easy to port to any platform \ |
16 | with a decent C compiler. The thread system is very \ |
17 | efficient and can support millions of concurrent \ |
18 | processes. \ |
19 | \ |
20 | The Gambit-C system conforms to the R4RS, R5RS and \ |
21 | IEEE Scheme standards. The full numeric tower is \ |
22 | implemented, including: infinite precision integers \ |
23 | (bignums), rationals, inexact reals (floating point \ |
24 | numbers), and complex numbers. |
25 | |
26 | homepage http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/ |
27 | master_sites ${homepage}download/gambit/v${branch}/source/ |
28 | distname gambc-v[strsed ${version} {g/\./_/}]-devel |
29 | extract.suffix .tgz |
30 | checksums md5 43ce298aabfb5d8a4684795264db6469 \ |
31 | sha1 e1a50cc157270c1a5c0d5069e5840f05b4256203 \ |
32 | rmd160 6aea9432bccbf062c3ce560dd3e963a098fc9a42 |
33 | |
34 | configure.args --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \ |
35 | --libdir=${prefix}/lib/gambit-c \ |
36 | --enable-single-host |
37 | |
38 | post-extract { |
39 | # Get rid of the incompatible version-specific installation structure |
40 | reinplace "s|PACKAGE_SUBDIR=\"/${version}\"|PACKAGE_SUBDIR=\"\"|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure.ac |
41 | reinplace "s|&& \$(LN_S) \.\$(PACKAGE_SUBDIR) current||g" ${worksrcpath}/makefile.in |
42 | reinplace "s|rm -f \$(prefix)/current \$(prefix)/current.lnk||g" ${worksrcpath}/makefile.in |
43 | |
44 | # Fix target paths since the configure options are not properly used in the makefiles |
45 | foreach makefile [exec find ${worksrcpath} -name makefile.in] { |
46 | reinplace "s|\$(prefix)\$(PACKAGE_SUBDIR)|\$(DESTDIR)\$(prefix)|g" $makefile |
47 | reinplace "s|\$(prefix)/info|\$(prefix)/share/info|g" $makefile |
48 | reinplace "s|\$(prefix)/doc|\$(prefix)/share/doc/gambit-c|g" $makefile |
49 | reinplace "s|\$(prefix)/lib|\$(prefix)/lib/gambit-c|g" $makefile |
50 | reinplace "s|\$(prefix)/syntax-case\.scm|\$(prefix)/lib/gambit-c/syntax-case\.scm|g" $makefile |
51 | } |
52 | } |
53 | |
54 | variant optimized description "Use expensive GCC optimizations to improve speed and compactness" { |
55 | configure.args-append --enable-gcc-opts |
56 | } |
57 | |
58 | variant profile description "Enable profiling" { |
59 | configure.args-append --enable-profile |
60 | } |