Ticket #39413: patch-doc-dibbler-user-config-client.tex.diff

File patch-doc-dibbler-user-config-client.tex.diff, 1.1 KB (added by fclaire@…, 11 years ago)
  • doc/dibbler-user-config-client.tex

    old new  
    198198\subsection{File location}
    200200Client configuration file should be named \verb+client.conf+. It
    201 should be placed in the \verb+/etc/dibbler/+ directory (Linux system)
     201should be placed in the \verb+@@PREFIX@@/etc/dibbler/+ directory (Linux system)
    202202or in the current directory (Windows systems). One of design
    203203requirements for client was ,,out of the box'' usage. To achieve this,
    204204simply use empty \verb+client.conf+ file. Client will try to get one
    664664After receiving options values from a server, client stores values of
    665665those options in separate files in the working directory
    666 (\verb+/var/lib/dibbler+ in POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OS X and BSD)
     666(\verb+@@PREFIX@@/var/lib/dibbler+ in POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OS X and BSD)
    667667and current directory in Windows). File names start with the option
    668668word, e.g. \verb+option-dns-server+. Dibbler client can also call user
    669669defined script after parameters are assigned or removed. Dibbler