Ticket #39602: patch-doc-dibbler-user-usage.tex.diff

File patch-doc-dibbler-user-usage.tex.diff, 783 bytes (added by fclaire@…, 11 years ago)
  • doc/dibbler-user-usage.tex

    old new  
    9797Depending what functionality do you want to use (server,client or relay),
    9898you should edit configuration file (\verb+client.conf+ for client, \verb+server.conf+
    9999for server and \verb+relay.conf+ for relay). All configuration files should
    100 be placed in the \verb+/etc/dibbler+ directory. Also make sure that
    101 \verb+/var/lib/dibbler+ directory is present and is writeable. After
     100be placed in the \verb+@@PREFIX@@/etc/dibbler+ directory. Also make sure that
     101\verb+@@PREFIX@@/var/lib/dibbler+ directory is present and is writeable. After
    102102editing configuration files, issue one of the following commands: