Ticket #47381: bsdowl.diff

File bsdowl.diff, 4.8 KB (added by kurthindenburg (Kurt Hindenburg), 9 years ago)

Patch to add -devel

  • Portfile

    55PortGroup           github 1.0
    77github.setup        michipili bsdowl 2.2.1 v
    8 revision            1
     8if {${subport} eq ${name}} {
     9    revision        1
     10    conflicts       bsdowl-devel
     12subport bsdowl-devel {
     13    github.setup    michipili bsdowl 3.0.0-20150830 v
     14    conflicts       bsdowl
    917categories          devel
    1018platforms           darwin
    1119maintainers         gmail.com:michipili
    1220license             CeCILL-B
    1321supported_archs     noarch
    15 description         BSD Owl Make Scripts
     23description         BSD Owl Scripts
    17 long_description    This collection of BSD Make directives can be used to   \
    18                     create workflows including the following activities:    \
    19                     Preparation and publication of TeX documents,           \
    20                     Development of TeX macros with NOWEB, Development of    \
    21                     OCaml software, Maintenance of a FreeBSD workstation    \
    22                     configuration files, Preparation of a static website    \
    23                     with ONSGMLS.
     25long_description    This collection of BSD Make directives aims at providing\
     26                    a highly portable build system targetting modern UNIX   \
     27                    systems and supporting common or less command languages.\
     28                    This is a build system, which means that it can be used \
     29                    to organise fairly complex projects.
    25 checksums           rmd160  db48c5610a99ba001a2be009cf8c9c549d8da197 \
     31use_xz              yes
     33if {$subport eq ${name}} {
     34    github.tarball_from releases
     36    checksums       rmd160  db48c5610a99ba001a2be009cf8c9c549d8da197 \
    2637                    sha256  269030428efec1a554f7ce038820f218e09523d771875c2ed6b6e7cd0288f4fd
    28 github.tarball_from releases
    29 use_xz              yes
     39    depends_build-append    port:ocaml-findlib
    31 depends_build       port:ocaml-findlib
     41    depends_lib-append      port:GraphicsMagick
    33 depends_lib         port:GraphicsMagick
     43    # use build.type bmake when available in a released version of MacPorts
     44    depends_build-append bin:bmake:bmake
     45    build.cmd           bmake
     46    build.post_args     -r
    35 # use build.type bmake when available in a released version of MacPorts
    36 depends_build-append bin:bmake:bmake
    37 build.cmd           bmake
    38 build.post_args     -r
     49subport bsdowl-devel {
     50    github.tarball_from releases
     52    checksums           rmd160  ffd78139c1ed4c2f5108945fddb23bb0e95efc69 \
     53                        sha256  83b69078231fadd2acd2b22dfed556f99b69e9a4bb7db47789d416c2f9cd53b4
     55    depends_build-append bin:bmake:bmake
     56    depends_lib-append  bin:awk:gawk bin:m4:m4
     58    # Not entirely sure what this does
     59    configure.args-append   --with-credentials=no
     61    # The configure script will auto-add any dependencies it finds.
     62    configure.args-append   --without-gm --without-gpg --without-noweb \
     63                            --without-ocaml --without-findlib \
     64                            --without-opensp --without-tex \
     65                            --without-tidy
     67    # use build.type bmake when available in a released version of MacPorts
     68    build.cmd           bmake _MAKE_ALLSUBTARGET='configure depend build doc'
     69    build.post_args     -r
     71    variant gm description {Support conversion of METAPOST pictures to PNG with GraphicsMagick} {
     72        depends_lib-append      port:GraphicsMagick
     73        configure.args-replace  --without-gm    --with-gm
     74    }
     76    variant gpg description {Support signing of distribution files with GPG} {
     77        depends_lib-append      port:gnupg2
     78        configure.args-replace  --without-gpg   --with-gpg
     79    }
     81    variant noweb description {Support literate programming with noweb} {
     82        depends_lib-append      port:noweb
     83        configure.args-replace  --without-noweb --with-noweb
     84    }
     86    variant ocaml description {Support preparation of OCaml projects} {
     87        depends_lib-append      port:ocaml port:ocaml-findlib
     88        configure.args-replace  --without-ocaml --with-ocaml
     89        configure.args-replace  --without-findlib --with-findlib
     90    }
     92    variant opensp description {Support static HTML pages generation with OpenSP} {
     93        depends_lib-append      port:opensp
     94        configure.args-replace  --without-opensp    --with-opensp
     95    }
     97    variant tex description {Support preparation of TeX documents} {
     98        depends_lib-append      port:texlive-latex
     99        configure.args-replace  --without-tex   --with-tex
     100    }
     102    variant tidy description {Support use of tidy to canonise HTML pages} {
     103        depends_lib-append      port:tidy
     104        configure.args-replace  --without-tidy  --with-tidy
     105    }