Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#20810 closed request

postgresql83 8.3.7 Why are all the executables in libdir? — at Initial Version

Reported by: apinstein@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Port: postgresql_select


configure.args --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/${name} \

--bindir=${libdir}/bin \

After install the pgsql executables are all in /opt/local/lib/postgresql83/bin/psql instead of /opt/local/bin. This is pretty annoying since I have to add the pg-specific bin dir to my path.

Why aren't these droppped into bin/? Is there a name conflict with executables from other ports? Do you want to preserve the ability to run multiple pg's side-by-side?

I would be OK with that decision but at least you should provide a variant to directly install the executables into the bin dir.

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