Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#21017 closed defect

clisp 2.47 build failure on snow leopard — at Initial Version

Reported by: mail@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: LP64 Cc:
Port: clisp


I uninstalled all my ports on upgrade to snow leopard, upgraded MacPorts and I'm trying to install them back. On doing a 'port install clisp', I get the below

---> Computing dependencies for clisp ---> Building clisp Error: Target returned: shell command "cd /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_clisp/work/clisp-2.47/src && ulimit -s 16384 && unset LD_PREBIND LD_PREBIND_ALLOW_OVERLAP && make" returned error 2 Command output: ari80386.d:947:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:948:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:949:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:955:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:956:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:957:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:958:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:978:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:979:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:980:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:981:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:987:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:988:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:989:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:990:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:1010:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1011:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1012:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1013:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1019:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:1020:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:1033:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1034:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1040:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:1041:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:1042:suffix or operands invalid for `push' ari80386.d:1057:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1058:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' ari80386.d:1059:suffix or operands invalid for `pop' make: * [ari80386.o] Error 1

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

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