Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #38299, comment 10

Mar 5, 2013, 11:47:38 PM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #38299, comment 10

    v3 v4  
    1 What I think I had done was for a long time I had -universal selected in variants.conf and no universal libraries were built. I think there are only a few currently built with x86_64, however, if it was not that difficult I would love to transition to x86_64 if its faster. If it isn't faster, then I'll just leave it as it was before, assuming that I haven't done too much damage. [Edit: There were only five x86_64 binaries]
     1*Thank you* for your help! What I think I had done was for a long time I had -universal selected in variants.conf and no universal libraries were built. I think there are only a few currently built with x86_64, however, if it was not that difficult I would love to transition to x86_64 if its faster. If it isn't faster, then I'll just leave it as it was before, assuming that I haven't done too much damage. [Edit: There were only five x86_64 binaries]
    33What exactly changed with macports? It seems as if there is a relatively new option to build with x86_64 on Leopard. Or maybe I am just noticing something that was there all along?