Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #38979, comment 8

May 17, 2013, 9:47:39 AM (11 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #38979, comment 8

    initial v1  
    1 For the record, gtkmm builds fine for me on Leopard with the gcc-4.0, and the error message shown in this ticket does not suggest to me a compiler problem.
    2 > Replying to [comment:7 ryandesign@…]: In my system (2.1 GHz PowerPC G5 & Leopard) after running –once again– "sudo port clean --all gtkmm" and "sudo port -u upgrade cmake poppler gtkmm", the building of gtkmm –and only gtkmm– fails again. Are you running Leopard with an Intel processor? If the error message does not suggest a compiler problem, instead of changing the compiler, it seems a better option to wait than right diagnosis and fixing procedure are proposed, but if you find it convenient, I will proceed to run the compiler change. Thanks. Take care.
     1Replying to [comment:7 ryandesign@…]:
     2> For the record, gtkmm builds fine for me on Leopard with the gcc-4.0, and the error message shown in this ticket does not suggest to me a compiler problem.
     4In my system (2.1 GHz PowerPC G5 & Leopard) after running –once again– "sudo port clean --all gtkmm" and "sudo port -u upgrade cmake poppler gtkmm", the building of gtkmm –and only gtkmm– fails again. Are you running Leopard with an Intel processor? If the error message does not suggest a compiler problem, instead of changing the compiler, it seems a better option to wait than right diagnosis and fixing procedure are proposed, but if you find it convenient, I will proceed to run the compiler change. Thanks. Take care.