Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#44095 closed update (fixed)

request to remove 4 year old page

Reported by: caughron@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: wiki Version:
Keywords: Cc: mojca (Mojca Miklavec)


Greetings MacPorts web site admins:

The following page more or less inaccurately accuses me of fraud. This is a request to have the page taken down.

Without going into details here, this is 4 or more years old and I now work for Apple. A few months back, the darwinports domain name came up for renewal and I tried to find the right people to give it to, no one wanted it, so I let it expire. is now hosted by a rather obnoxious advertising company that is attempting to monetize the domain in ways that have no bearing on open source or Mac-related software.

I wish the ports efforts and web site work good luck, and earnestly hope that you remove a page that associates very negative things with my name.


Mat Caughron

Here's how to get in touch with me if any further communication on this request is necessary.

caughron@… (408) 910-1266

Change History (9)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by caughron@…

My mistake, the page is from 2004, so it's ten years old, not four years old.

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by caughron@…

Cc: caughron@… added

Cc Me!

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Priority: HighNormal

The high priority field is for the MacPorts team to decide and is usually for security vulnerabilities. While DarwinPorts predates me, I have been here for a few years and find this statement dubious:

A few months back, the darwinports domain name came up for renewal and I tried to find the right people to give it to, no one wanted it, so I let it expire.

A search of the archives yields nothing. I'll let someone from the core team handle this, though.

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by caughron@…

Hi Sean:

Communication offering the expiring domain happened in January 23 2014 with a person internal at Apple. Without naming the person, the response I received after about a week was: "Sorry for the slow reply. I'm not sure anybody cares at this point. There was some contention in the past, but it's a fairly distant past in Internet years..."

The reason for the urgency here is that I have recently had people associate my name with fraud due to the contents of the page. Please put yourself in my place - how would you like people to google and find information that accuses you of fraud, which apparently has been on the internet for ten years.

I do not intend to dispute the issue of the domain name which no longer belongs to me. What I want to have happen is that the page with accusative and negative associations be removed as soon as possible.

Thank you for prompt attention to my request to remove the page, sincerely,


comment:5 in reply to:  4 Changed 10 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Replying to caughron@…:

Hi Sean:

Communication offering the expiring domain happened in January 23 2014 with a person internal at Apple. Without naming the person, the response I received after about a week was: "Sorry for the slow reply. I'm not sure anybody cares at this point. There was some contention in the past, but it's a fairly distant past in Internet years..."

One person != the MacPorts team

The reason for the urgency here is that I have recently had people associate my name with fraud due to the contents of the page. Please put yourself in my place - how would you like people to google and find information that accuses you of fraud, which apparently has been on the internet for ten years.

Would you like to remove every bad page associated with your name from the Internet?

I do not intend to dispute the issue of the domain name which no longer belongs to me. What I want to have happen is that the page with accusative and negative associations be removed as soon as possible.

I'm definitely not the one to decide but this kind of situation happens all the time online. You can't honestly expect to control search engines and edit every web site in existence that mentions your name, can you? What about archives and such? You could always try what others do in this situation: do enough good deeds so that people find those search results first.

comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

  • Please login with your company email.
  • Please provide the link where you asked the MacPorts community if it's interested in renewing your domain.
  • Please explain what information is inaccurate and we well do our best to fix it.
  • The MacPorts community could still use your expertise to improve the user experience. Your website was actually nice. If you are still willing to help the community with your skill set and contribute open-source solutions (and donate them to community as opposed to asking people to pay you), we will gladly mention the great work on it and rewrite the text on that page to better reflect the current situation.

The site says that you offered to transfer the domain's ownership, but nothing ever happened with that. The only thing you could have done with zero effort a few months back can apparently no longer be done. Now show that your request is serious and do some good work for the project.

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec)

Cc: mojca@… added; caughron@… removed
Milestone: MacPorts Future
Version: 2.3.0
Version 0, edited 10 years ago by mojca (Mojca Miklavec) (next)

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Component: websitewiki
Owner: changed from jmpp@… to macports-tickets@…

I can’t say if the site was technically fraudulent, so we can remove that term. What I do know is that many users were confused and misled by the site. It was half the reason our project changed its name, and is thus relevant to MacPortsHistory. So the page will not be removed. We can update the page to indicate that Mat no longer owns the domain.

comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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