Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #45201

Sep 29, 2014, 1:54:52 AM (10 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #45201

    • Property Cc takeshi@… removed
    • Property Summary changed from vecLibFort fails to build on OS X 10.5.8, PPC 7450 to vecLibFort @0.4.1 fails to build on OS X 10.5.8, PPC 7450
    • Property Keywords leopard added; vecLibFort OS X 10.5.8 build failure removed
    • Property Owner changed from macports-tickets@… to takeshi@…
    • Property Port @0.4.1 removed
  • Ticket #45201 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 Several days ago, Octave was updated and I decided it was an optimal time to do a fresh install, as I needed to change a few variants and wanted to make absolutely sure there were no linking problems with components that are optional dependencies of Octave.  I had recently noticed vecLibFort and decided to try it out--I am tired of troubleshooting Atlas.  [[BR]]
    2 [[BR]]
    3 Alas, it would not build. I checked the current Portfile of vecLibFort to make absolutely sure that it had not been revised in the past couple of days since I tried to install it, and found that it is as it was.  Perhaps I did something incorrectly, or have something installed that that is interfering, but the vecLibFort has no variants, and I do not use the /usr/share/ directory for anything--it is empty; nor do I have a Fink/Homebrew package manager.  [[BR]]
    4 [[BR]]
    5 Thus, the problem seems to be that I have[[BR]]
    6 a) installed some MacPorts package that caused the failure, [[BR]]
    7 b) used the wrong compiler, or[[BR]]
    8 c) vecLibFort does not run out-of-the-box on a 10.5.8, PPC 7450
     1Several days ago, Octave was updated and I decided it was an optimal time to do a fresh install, as I needed to change a few variants and wanted to make absolutely sure there were no linking problems with components that are optional dependencies of Octave.  I had recently noticed vecLibFort and decided to try it out--I am tired of troubleshooting Atlas
    10 By the way, after some research, I have fallen under the impression that it is Apple's 64-bit Accelerate that has bugs, and the old 32-bit version is OK.  Am I correct?[[BR]]
    11 [[BR]]
     3Alas, it would not build. I checked the current Portfile of vecLibFort to make absolutely sure that it had not been revised in the past couple of days since I tried to install it, and found that it is as it was.  Perhaps I did something incorrectly, or have something installed that that is interfering, but the vecLibFort has no variants, and I do not use the /usr/share/ directory for anything--it is empty; nor do I have a Fink/Homebrew package manager.
     5Thus, the problem seems to be that I have
     6 a. installed some MacPorts package that caused the failure,
     7 b. used the wrong compiler, or
     8 c. vecLibFort does not run out-of-the-box on a 10.5.8, PPC 7450
     10By the way, after some research, I have fallen under the impression that it is Apple's 64-bit Accelerate that has bugs, and the old 32-bit version is OK.  Am I correct?
    1212I am attaching the log for the build.  Hope this helps prevent any future problems.