Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #48597, comment 15

Aug 21, 2015, 4:23:31 AM (9 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #48597, comment 15

    initial v1  
    1 Since I don't think any of the other steps you mentioned doing would have any bearing on the problem, I can only surmise that what fixed it for you was rebuilding mongodb 3.0.5 from source against boost 1.59. I haven't reproduced the problem on my system so I can't confirm whether that's really a fix. Anyone who is experiencing the problem and wishes to try can run "`sudo port -ns upgrade --force mongodb`". Let me know if that changes anything.
     1Since I don't think any of the other steps you mentioned doing would have any bearing on the problem, I can only surmise that what fixed it for you was rebuilding mongodb 3.0.5 from source against boost 1.59. I haven't reproduced the problem on my system so I can't confirm whether that's really a fix. Anyone who is experiencing the problem and wishes to try can run "`sudo port -ns upgrade --force mongodb`" (after making sure that boost 1.59.0 is already installed and active). Let me know if that changes anything.
    33I am waiting for a response from the developers of mongodb to [ my question] about how to build mongodb with its bundled boost while still using MacPorts versions of some other libraries.