Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #48682, comment 4

Sep 5, 2015, 10:39:08 PM (9 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #48682, comment 4

    initial v1  
    22> It seems that the tree of dependencies is wrong : when I typed "port upgrade outdated", the first port to be built was libedit whereas readline was also outdated and libedit depends on readline.
    4 libedit does not depend on readline. But libedit, like thousands of other ports, uses a configure script. And part of the boilerplate that autotools bakes into every configure script is to locate a gawk implementation. The first one it checks for is gawk, so if the gawk port happens to be installed, a configure script will try to use that. gawk depends on readline, and if you have upgraded ncurses but haven't upgraded readline to use the new ncurses, then gawk will be broken.
     4libedit does not depend on readline. But libedit, like thousands of other ports, uses a configure script. And part of the boilerplate that autotools bakes into every configure script is to locate an awk implementation. The first one it checks for is gawk, so if the gawk port happens to be installed, a configure script will try to use that. gawk depends on readline, and if you have upgraded ncurses but haven't upgraded readline to use the new ncurses, then gawk will be broken.
    66I don't know of a good way to fix this. We don't really want to add unnecessary gawk dependencies to thousands of ports. So I think we'll handle this as a user education issue for now and not make any change to the ports, though I may add a ProblemHotlist entry.