Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #48969

Sep 24, 2015, 7:28:46 PM (9 years ago)
dbevans (David B. Evans)


  • Ticket #48969

    • Property Summary changed from glib2 @2.44.1: update version 2.46.0 as required by gtk3 3.18.0 and other GNOME ports to glib2 @2.44.1: update to version 2.46.0 as required by gtk3 3.18.0 and other GNOME ports
  • Ticket #48969 – Description

    initial v2  
    2525My understanding of the discussion is that the upstream developers do not intend to do anything about this themselves but have pushed the issue back to us to deal with.  They suggest using the Growl package to implement GNotifications on the older platforms. They appear to be willing to accept relevant patches for review. So I think the ball is in our court.
    27 A minimal solution that seems feasible and could get us by this impasse would be to create a minimal patch to make the new feature optional and only enable it on 10.9 or later.  This shouldn't be a burden for the older platforms since we haven't had any notification support up to this point but would allow current platforms to take advantage of the feature.
     27A minimal solution that seems feasible and could get us by this impasse would be to create a minimal patch to make the new feature optional and only enable it on 10.9 or later.  This shouldn't be a burden for the older platforms since we haven't had any notification support up to this point but would allow current platforms to take advantage of this feature and others available in the latest glib2.