Opened 9 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#49798 closed defect (fixed)

volk @1.1.1 fails to build with gcc-4.2

Reported by: semaphore45@… Owned by: michaelld (Michael Dickens)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.3.4
Keywords: Cc: semaphore45@…
Port: volk


I tried to run

sudo port upgrade volk

manually after seeing it fail as part of another port's upgrade (gnuradio). It fails to build, and the first error logged in main.log is:

:info:build /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_distfiles.macports.org_ports_science_volk/volk/work/volk-1.1.1/include/volk/volk_common.h:71:23: error: x86intrin.h: No such file or directory

Ran on Mac OS X 10.6.8 aKa Snow Leopard with XCode 3.2.6. Joined is the full main.log

Attachments (1)

main.log (157.7 KB) - added by semaphore45@… 9 years ago.
Log file when volk port fails to build on Snow Leopard.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

Changed 9 years ago by semaphore45@…

Attachment: main.log added

Log file when volk port fails to build on Snow Leopard.

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by semaphore45@…

This port upgrade was attempted after performing

sudo port upgrade readline

to correct issue mentioned in

Version 0, edited 9 years ago by semaphore45@… (next)

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Keywords: volk removed
Owner: changed from macports-tickets@… to michaelld@…
Summary: Port volk doesn't upgrade on Snow Leopardvolk @1.1.1 fails to build with gcc-4.2

Please remember to Cc the maintainer.

:info:build In file included from /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_distfiles.macports.org_ports_science_volk/volk/work/build/lib/volk_machine_sse2_64_mmx_orc.c:34:
452	:info:build /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_distfiles.macports.org_ports_science_volk/volk/work/volk-1.1.1/include/volk/volk_common.h:71:23: error: x86intrin.h: No such file or directory

x86intrin.h was added in gcc 4.5, and is just a wrapper that includes all of the headers for the intrinsics associated with the various x86 instruction set extensions. A possible workaround would be to instead include one of the more specific headers that did exist in 4.2, like xmmintrin.h.

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by semaphore45@…

Cc: semaphore45@… added

Cc Me!

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by rwfisheriv@…

I have a similar problem on 10.7.5. Have tried using macports gcc and clang, still no joy. if it's a header issue…where might i find some guidance on how to use a different set?

comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by michaelld (Michael Dickens)

This should now be fixed by . Please update your ports and hopefully Volk now works. Installing Volk on certain older OSX will now require installing a MacPorts Clang compiler, which will take a bit more time ... but, it should now work!

comment:6 Changed 4 years ago by michaelld (Michael Dickens)

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I'm going to close out this issue as fixed. Please reopen if that's not the case and provide a new build log.

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