Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #51931, comment 2

Jul 29, 2016, 8:20:02 AM (8 years ago)
mojca (Mojca Miklavec)


  • Ticket #51931, comment 2

    initial v1  
    11I'm sorry about that stupid reinplace remark. Being used to see the short `/opt/local/bin/perl5.24` my subconscious mind skipped over the initial `/opt/local` in the path you mention above (I was probably expecting something like `/opt/local/bin/python2.7` :) and I thought that the system python from `/Library/Frameworks` was being referenced. Please ignore that part.
    3 The main problem still remains though. I asked on the python mailing list and some devs claimed that it seemed strange to them that the code worked at all. Some suggested that lines like `gettext.install()` might be missing in the code (, but I have no idea how `pyqt` is supposed to handle translations, so I don't know any way forward (and also don't want to "blame myself" with stupidities on the upstream bug tracker as I'm not a python expert).
     3The main problem still remains though. I asked on the python IRC channel and some devs claimed that it seemed strange to them that the code worked at all. Some suggested that lines like `gettext.install()` might be missing in the code (, but I have no idea how `pyqt` is supposed to handle translations, so I don't know any way forward (and also don't want to "blame myself" with stupidities on the upstream bug tracker as I'm not a python expert).