Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 weeks ago

#53247 closed defect (fixed)

lirc @0.9.4c: curl_poll.h contains erroneous #include "config.h"

Reported by: sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez) Owned by: ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.3.5
Keywords: Cc: ionic@…, mohd-akram (Mohamed Akram)
Port: lirc


Configure check for audacious-plugins fails when checking for LIRC support. I have attached config.log and main.log. I have the port for LIRC 0.9.4c installed and tried cleaning audacious-plugins prior.

I earlier had an issue with glib2 not being detected during config, but I cannot reproduce that error anymore (I think installing glib2 and cleaning resolved that issue).

Attachments (2)

config.log (58.8 KB) - added by sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez) 7 years ago.
config output for installation of audacious-plugins
main.log (241.0 KB) - added by sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez) 7 years ago.
main log output for audacious-plugins

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

Changed 7 years ago by sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez)

Attachment: config.log added

config output for installation of audacious-plugins

Changed 7 years ago by sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez)

Attachment: main.log added

main log output for audacious-plugins

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Keywords: sierra removed
Owner: set to ctreleaven
Port: lirc added; audacious-plugins removed
Status: newassigned
Summary: audacious-plugins@3.8:configure failure on lirc checklirc @0.9.4c: curl_poll.h contains erroneous #include "config.h"

I think this is a bug in lirc that needs to be fixed with this patch:

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven)

I've contact lirc upstream to ask if a new release is forthcoming. If not, I'll patch the lirc port. Could take a few days before I can get to it.

Version 0, edited 7 years ago by ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven) (next)

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by Ionic (Mihai Moldovan)

Yep, this is a general lirc problem. I've hit it with any software building against lirc, but wasn't able to find any useful workaround or fix, as this problem doesn't seem to hit Linux-platforms and the application developers haven't gotten any bug reports regarding this so far (so it's most likely an insulated problem.)

You're probably right, check

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven)

In d68d6cd1/macports-ports:

lirc: apply upstream patch to fix curl_poll.h includes.
Refs #53247

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven)

Can someone please retry audacious-plugins?

Note that lirc requires c++11 and can therefore be expected to fail on the buildbots (and user systems) that are not so equipped.

BTW, are any of you actually using infra-red remote controls? On OS X, only a select number of lirc drivers can be built. I know the udp driver works; I use it. I'm pretty sure a Sony Viao IR receiver will work. I have NO reports that other drivers work or are broken!

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez)

Will try audacious-plugins later tonight. BTW, to install C++ 11, on OS X, is that done via brew or MacPorts?

I ask because in mentioning the prerequisite, it's implied that the dependency cannot be done with MacPorts, and should be via brew or other means.

comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven)

It is recommended not to use multiple package systems (MacPorts, Homebrew, Fink, ...) on the same system. Otherwise, odd configuration issues may crop up that are not easy to track down.

MacPorts _can_ support c++11 on older versions of Mac OS but it means reinstalling all ports and that all ports have to be built from source. For details, see:

comment:8 Changed 7 years ago by sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez)

I'm on Sierra so c++11 shouldn't be an issue.

However, I do have brew installed: I'm hopeful none of these will conflict:

➜  ~ brew list
autoconf	ffmpeg		jq		libiconv	oniguruma	pkg-config	x264		zsh
fdk-aac		gdbm		lame		node		openssl		texi2html	xvid		zsh-completions
fdupes		gettext		libdvdcss	nvm		pcre		wget		yasm

I will refrain from using brew further if I can avoid it, but the genie is out of the bottle. My MacPorts package listing dwarfs brew immensely, so I can try removing it and replacing the packages with MacPorts versions, where available later.

More importantly, much as it could be useful on some configs, my Mac doesn't have an IR transmitter/receiver (assuming that it's the reason lirc is a dependency). Is there a way to configure the build for audacious-plugins to disable/omit plugins that utilize the lirc library through MacPorts if that's how its being used? I remember that I've been able to disable certain configs for MySQL using switches when building it from source when configuring the build.

If brew complicates things too much then I'll start looking at other solutions. If there's a suggestion for a similar replacement for Audacious for Mac OS, I'm all ears.

comment:9 Changed 7 years ago by sanchezelton (Elton Sanchez)

So I've tried uninstalling MacPorts <ducks>

...and it looks like the gettext package was a source of conflicts under MacPorts, but although not all features ended up supported (CD and media bar were things I were hoping would make it, but ended up not), I was able to successfully build, install, and run from source, with brew only supplying the dependencies I could obtain.

Maybe a cleaner install without brew would have resulted in a success, but I will not be pursing the ticket any further. Best of luck.

comment:10 Changed 7 years ago by Ionic (Mihai Moldovan)

Audacious also required C++11, so it's only compatible with OS X 10.8 and higher. MacPorts will automatically check and abort if requisites are not matched.

If you do not need LIRC support in audacious, simply disable the lirc variant for audacious-plugins.

comment:11 Changed 6 weeks ago by mohd-akram (Mohamed Akram)

Cc: mohd-akram added
Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Seems this is fixed. The audacious-plugins port doesn't include lirc by default for now.

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