Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #53662, comment 13

Mar 10, 2017, 2:51:03 AM (7 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #53662, comment 13

    v3 v4  
    1 It looks like gcc48 will build without `isl`, disabling Graphite loop optimizations. This can be achieved by the deleting the `with system isl` configuration option. I don't have an appreciation for how much this might affect the speed of the code generated, without the Graphite loop optimizations.
     1gcc48 and other gcc version will build without `isl`, but disabling Graphite loop optimizations. This can be achieved by the deleting the `with system isl` configuration option. I have no idea if Graphite loop optimizations are worthwhile, but nice to have them, anyway.
    3 It's looking very likely that a copy of isl 0.14 in the gcc48 source directory, with the folder named `isl`, would allow it to be automatically found by the build script and gcc48 would build with that. It would have to be downloaded separately as a distfile, and decompressed into the gcc48 source directory, and the name changed to `isl`.
    5 If we're going to do that, it might make sense to consider doing the same with cloog so it would build with a contained cloog, just for sanity's sake, and because it would not be too surprising that the macports system version of cloog becomes too new for gcc48 pretty soon too, and if we leave it with the system cloog, that will be linked against a different `isl` and it gets very confusing, I think.
     3It's looking very likely that a copy of isl 0.14 in the gcc48 source directory, with the folder named `isl`, and a copy of cloog similarly, will allow a local build-only version. That might be useful someday.