Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #56807

Nov 2, 2018, 6:30:38 PM (6 years ago)
chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)


  • Ticket #56807

    • Property Summary changed from support tk +quartz variant in Tcl/Tk extensions to support tk +quartz variant in Tcl/Tk ports
    • Property Port R gvemod-labeler magic magic-devel xcrysden added; tktable removed
  • Ticket #56807 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 The port for Tcl/Tk has both x11 and quartz ("aqua" native UI) variants. Ideally, the ports for any Tcl/Tk extensions should also support aqua in addition to X11. Some extensions with ports I know of so far are Tix and TkTable, since those can be used to extend the functionality available in `p5-tcl-ptk`, but there are probably are a few more.
     1The port for Tcl/Tk has both x11 and quartz ("aqua" native UI) variants. Ideally, the ports for any Tcl/Tk-related ports or extensions should also support aqua in addition to X11. Some extensions with ports I know of so far are Tix and TkTable, since those can be used to extend the functionality available in `p5-tcl-ptk`, but there are probably are a few more.
    33Since tix and tktable are `nomaintainer`, I understand that it will probably be up to myself to implement this. I may need some assistance in configuring things like variants properly, though.