Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #57089, comment 6

Jan 18, 2019, 6:07:56 AM (5 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #57089, comment 6

    initial v1  
    1 Yes, mkvtoolnix should be updated to the latest version. I also wanted to update its dependencies libebml and libmatroska, but both of them changed their build systems from autotools to cmake. This inadvertently caused their library versions to change. I [ reported the problem to the developers] and although they made an attempt at fixing it, it was unsuccessful, and they were unwilling to invest further time into the issue. It seemed to me that cmake does not offer sufficient variables to allow a developer to fully specify the library versioning information. So when we update those two, we'll also have to increase the revision of anything linking with them, to rebuild them.
     1Yes, mkvtoolnix should be updated to the latest version. I also wanted to update its dependencies libebml and libmatroska, but both of them changed their build systems from autotools to cmake. This inadvertently caused their library versions to regress. I [ reported the problem to the developers] and although they made an attempt at fixing it, it was unsuccessful, and they were unwilling to invest further time into the issue. It seemed to me that cmake does not offer sufficient variables to allow a developer to fully specify the library versioning information. So when we update those two, we'll also have to increase the revision of anything linking with them, to rebuild them.