Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#58389 new defect

What to do with dependencies of EOL Servlet API ports? — at Initial Version

Reported by: chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez) Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: blair (Blair Zajac)
Port: servlet23-api servlet24-api commons-logging


servlet23-api and servlet24-api, which were developed alongside of Tomcat 4 and 5 respectively, are both end-of-life. I would suggest these ports be deleted, but found that they have many indirect dependents. Some of those appear to still be maintained upstream, so I would anticipate objections to deleting ports that are only outdated.

What should be done with these dependent ports? Should they be kept and updated to a newer supported dependency (e.g. a port created for Servlet API 3.0 or later), or should they be removed?

Dependents of servlet23-api:

Direct dependents:

struts (latest available is 2.5.20, released 2019)
commons-fileupload (latest available is 1.4, released 2018)
commons-logging (latest available is 1.2, released 2014)

Indirect dependents:

cassandra (latest available is 3.11.4, released 2019)
commons-beanutils (latest available is 1.9.3, released 2016)
commons-cli (latest available is 1.4, released 2017)
commons-digester (latest available is 3.2, released 2011)
commons-httpclient (EOL, replaced by Apache HttpComponents, latest release was in 2019)
commons-modeler (not outdated; last release was in 2007)
commons-validator (latest available is 1.6, released 2017)
mx4j (not outdated; last release was in 2006)
tomcat6 (EOL'd in 2016:
xdoclet (not outdated; last release was in 2005)
xmlgraphics-commons (latest available in 2.3, released 2018)

Dependents of servlet24-api:

Direct dependents:

commons-el (not outdated; last release 2003)
jakarta-taglibs-standard-11 (latest available is 1.2.3, released 2015)
jfreechart (latest available is 1.5.0, released 2017)

Indirect dependents:

statcvs (latest available is 0.7.0, released 2010)
struts (latest available is 2.5.20, released 2019)
tomcat6 (EOL'd in 2016:

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