Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #59383, comment 2

Oct 19, 2019, 12:16:06 AM (5 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #59383, comment 2

    initial v1  
    1 this looks like the same problem as in [ Ticket 59022] and happens for more Python ports (e.g., {{{py-scipy}}}) and also there only the py35/py36/py37 version. Therefore I don't think it's a problem with these Python ports per se, it must be something with macOS 10.12 and likely its compiler as it apporeas to happen only for Python ports that build C extensions. I couldn't figure out what the issue is on Ticket 59022.... so any ideas would be welcome; the errors are likely all caused by the same thing.
     1this looks like the same problem as in ticket:59022 and happens for more Python ports (e.g., {{{py-scipy}}}) and also there only the py35/py36/py37 version. Therefore I don't think it's a problem with these Python ports per se, it must be something with macOS 10.12 and likely its compiler as it apporeas to happen only for Python ports that build C extensions. I couldn't figure out what the issue is on Ticket 59022.... so any ideas would be welcome; the errors are likely all caused by the same thing.