Changes between Version 1 and Version 3 of Ticket #60405

Apr 29, 2020, 10:30:39 AM (4 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

If you cannot explain why this file was already there when MacPorts did not install it, then perhaps other files were also installed into the MacPorts prefix by something other than MacPorts (perhaps by some installer you ran?) and if so you would likely run into this problem again in the future with other ports. You may need to uninstall MacPorts and all ports and then reinstall the ports you want to get back to a consistent state. If you can remember running and installer that put this file there, then you should advise whoever distributed that installer that they should change where their installer installs files so that it does not conflict with MacPorts.


  • Ticket #60405

    • Property Cc michaelld@… removed
    • Property Summary changed from gnuradio PORT v fails to install - error related to libusb activation to libusb: libusb-1.0.0.dylib already exists and does not belong to a registered port
  • Ticket #60405 – Description

    v1 v3  
    1 Hello, i encountered an error during the installation of GNURADIO port v on OSX El Capitan, Xcode v8.2, could you please help me to correct this issue to be able to have a correct installation of GNURADIO?
    2 down below is the error description obtained from the console,
    3 Thanks in advance and best regards,
    4 Abraham Diaz de Leon Camou
    5 Villahermosa - Tabasco - Mexico
     1Hello, i encountered an error during the installation of GNURADIO port v on OSX El Capitan, Xcode v8.2, could you please help me to correct this issue to be able to have a correct installation of GNURADIO?\\
     2down below is the error description obtained from the console,\\
     3Thanks in advance and best regards,\\
     4Abraham Diaz de Leon Camou\\
     5Villahermosa - Tabasco - Mexico\\