Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #60417, comment 3

May 1, 2020, 11:29:46 AM (4 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #60417, comment 3

    initial v1  
    33In my testing on a 2012 MacBook Pro with Retina Display running High Sierra, the software is still unreliable. Half the time, `noah` crashes at launch with a malloc error, or it launches its emulated `bash` but then any executable launched by that emulated bash crashes with a segmentation fault. However other times it works fine, at least as far as launching some of the Linux binaries that noahstrap installs, such as `ls` or `uname` or `which`; I haven't sought out any other ELF binaries to test.
    5 Fortunately, it is not our responsibility to fix these crashes. All that we need to do is make it possible for a user to install the software that the developer as provided, and that's what I've done in [ PR 6986]. If the software doesn't work, users can file bug reports with the developers.
     5Fortunately, it is not our responsibility to fix these crashes. All that we need to do is make it possible for a user to install the software that the developer has provided, and that's what I've done in [ PR 6986]. If the software doesn't work, users can file bug reports with the developers.
    77The developers have provided Portfiles in their repositories; I used them as the starting point for my Portfiles but made many changes. It is an anti-pattern for projects to host their own Portfiles in their own repositories and ask users to follow our local repository instructions to use them. By adding these Portfiles to our official collection, we can then file PRs with the developers to remove those Portfiles and update their instructions for installing their software with MacPorts. Making it easier for users to install this software should increase the number of users who are available to submit bug reports or pull requests to the developers to get the crashes fixed.