Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #60671, comment 1

Jun 17, 2020, 1:03:02 AM (4 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #60671, comment 1

    v2 v3  
    11Depending on how motivated anyone is to get this particular port to build on older systems, you'd have to basically duplicate what I have done in the {{{llvm-10}}} portfile to get all the older systems working. It's not overly hard, now that we know what is needed -- copy/paste what bits are needed from the llvm-10 portfile and turn various features off, depending on the system.
    3 There used to be another option available -- to use the existing llvm ports, and just build them with +debug enabled (ipsc uses features only in the debug build). but that option was removed not long ago in favour of this, for buildbot reasons (we didn't want the default llvm build to have all the +debug stuff in it).
     3There used to be another option available -- to use the existing llvm ports, and just build them with +debug enabled (ipsc uses features only in the debug build). but that option was removed not long ago in favour of this, for buildbot reasons (and I didn't want the default llvm builds to have all the +debug stuff in them).