Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #60845, comment 10

Jul 19, 2020, 6:07:33 AM (4 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #60845, comment 10

    v1 v2  
    11I suppose the official method to fix this would be the patch you found in that mailing list topic, by adding that info referenced to the PRO file during the build.... although having us do it in post-destroot is not a lot different.
    3 Upstream should understand why the @rpath is no good -- if you use @rpath, as we have see, EVERY piece of software that uses the library has to have it's build changed to accomodate the @rpath location, and has to be made aware of where the library is actually installed. This is not a useful experience.
     3Upstream should understand why the @rpath is no good -- if you use @rpath, as we have seen, EVERY piece of software that uses the library has to have it's build changed to accomodate the @rpath location, and has to be made aware of where the library is actually installed. This is not a useful experience.
    55@rpath based library links have their uses -- application bundles, for example -- but for the most part, it is just an extra pain to manage, and has the fun fun aspect of often not being easily completely sure which @rpath'd library actually loaded, if there are more than one.