Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #61096, comment 3

Aug 31, 2020, 9:10:45 PM (4 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #61096, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 Comparing the log on macOS 10.15/Xcode 11.6 with the one from macOS 11 beta/Xcode 12beta, on macOS 10.15 it is building with `-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress` while on macOS 11 it's not. This is the "Yosemite libtool bug" where libtool misidentifies OS X 10.10 and later as Mac OS X 10.1 and incorrectly uses the flat namespace with -undefined suppress when it should use the two-level namespace with -undefined dynamic_lookup. In addition, libtool completely misses macOS 11 and later, adding neither of the flags, hence making the undefined symbols and error, rather than being allowed as the project's authors had intended. This has already been fixed in the libtool port. We should backport the patch to this port's configure script.
     1Comparing the log on macOS 10.15/Xcode 11.6 with the one from macOS 11 beta/Xcode 12beta, on macOS 10.15 it is building with `-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress` while on macOS 11 it's not. This is the "Yosemite libtool bug" where libtool misidentifies OS X 10.10 and later as Mac OS X 10.1 and incorrectly uses the flat namespace with -undefined suppress when it should use the two-level namespace with -undefined dynamic_lookup. In addition, libtool completely misses macOS 11 and later, adding neither of the flags, hence making the undefined symbols an error, rather than being allowed as the project's authors had intended. This has already been fixed in the libtool port. We should backport the patch to this port's configure script.