Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #61253

Sep 30, 2020, 11:37:54 PM (4 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #61253 – Description

    initial v1  
    1717The packages path is wrong! It should not end with `lib/.`; it should end with `lib/tcllib1.18`.
    19 tcllib's configure script uses a script called sak.tcl to replace placeholder strings `@PACKAGE@` and `@VERSION@` with values taken from elsewhere. The version was further broken down into a major version, then a literal dot, then the minor version. Since in my case tclsh did not work, the package, major and minor version strings were empty, leaving only the literal dot.
     19tcllib's configure script replaces placeholder strings `@PACKAGE@` and `@VERSION@` with values computed by a script called sak.tcl. The version is composed of the major version, then a literal dot, then the minor version. Since in my case tclsh did not work, the package, major and minor version strings were empty, leaving only the literal dot.
    21 Apple has announced that scripting languages like tclsh won't necessarily be includes in future versions of macOS. We should modify our build process so that we first build tclsh, and only then do we configure tcllib and point it at the tclsh that we built.
     21Apple has announced that scripting languages like tclsh won't necessarily be included in future versions of macOS. We should modify our build process so that we first build tclsh, and only then do we configure tcllib and point it at the tclsh that we built.