Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #61295

Oct 9, 2020, 4:29:41 PM (4 years ago)
jmroot (Joshua Root)

"Failed to verify signature for archive!" means the file you have is not the one we uploaded. That's bad, obviously. I downloaded the same clang_select archive and signature shown in your output from the same server, and was able to verify the signature manually. That would suggest there may be some kind of proxy interfering with your download.


  • Ticket #61295

    • Property Cc mpachucki added
    • Property Milestone changed from MacPorts 2.7.0 to
  • Ticket #61295 – Description

    initial v2  
    11Hi folks, I'm trying to 'sudo port install clang-10 pkgconfig' (in order to install R software, a package called data.table, which requires OpenMP, which requires llvm) and appear to be getting a 'Warning: failed to verify signature for archive!' error, which appears to be a fetch-related error.
    33--->  Computing dependencies for clang-10
    44--->  Fetching archive for clang_select
    66--->  Attempting to fetch clang_select-2.2_0.darwin_19.noarch.tbz2.rmd160 from
    77Warning: Failed to verify signature for archive!
    99It's apparently hanging on 'clang-select' before moving down to the other dependencies. I already tried (1) sudo port clean, (2) searching prior tickets (closest was ticket #60584), (3) I don't think it's a port upgrade issue, (4) under problemhotlist, when I visit the main MacPorts distfiles mirror, clang-10 doesn't appear there. Any ideas? (I'm following a installation wiki here: I'm a professor who uses R for data analysis, and not a developer, so any layperson language would be greatly appreciated. I'm running Mac OS 10.15.6, Xcode 12 (which some will likely point out is the first problem). Thanks in advance.