Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#61306 closed defect (fixed)

ghostscript @ 9.52_0+x11 fails to build with xcode 12: error: implicit declaration of function 'FF_free' is invalid in C99

Reported by: usrluciano Owned by: chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.6.3
Keywords: xcode12 Cc: bK4gYuRo, chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)
Port: ghostscript


sudo port install ImageMagick
--->  Computing dependencies for ImageMagick
The following dependencies will be installed:  ghostscript
Continue? [Y/n]: 
--->  Fetching archive for ghostscript
--->  Attempting to fetch ghostscript-9.52_0+x11.darwin_19.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch ghostscript-9.52_0+x11.darwin_19.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Attempting to fetch ghostscript-9.52_0+x11.darwin_19.x86_64.tbz2 from
--->  Fetching distfiles for ghostscript
--->  Verifying checksums for ghostscript
--->  Extracting ghostscript
--->  Applying patches to ghostscript
Warning: reinplace s|/usr/bin/perl|/opt/local/bin/perl| didn't change anything in /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_print_ghostscript/ghostscript/work/ghostpdl-9.52/pcl/tools/
--->  Configuring ghostscript
--->  Building ghostscript
Error: Failed to build ghostscript: command execution failed
Error: See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_print_ghostscript/ghostscript/main.log for details.
Error: Follow to report a bug.
Error: Processing of port ImageMagick failed

Attachments (1)

main.log (686.6 KB) - added by usrluciano 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (20)

Changed 4 years ago by usrluciano

Attachment: main.log added

comment:1 Changed 4 years ago by bK4gYuRo

I am getting the same errors in main.log when I try to upgrade ghostscript.

comment:2 Changed 4 years ago by bK4gYuRo

Cc: bK4gYuRo added

comment:3 Changed 4 years ago by kencu (Ken)

Summary: ghostscript @ 9.52_0+x11 Failed to build: command execution failedghostscript @ 9.52_0+x11 fails to build with xcode 12: error: implicit declaration of function 'FF_free' is invalid in C99

comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by kencu (Ken)

Another one bites the dust ....

comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by bK4gYuRo

A slight correction: I am hitting the problem on macos 10.13.6 and xcode Version 9.4.1 (9F2000)

comment:6 Changed 4 years ago by kencu (Ken)

This particular build error and log are with xcode12.

2	:debug:sysinfo macOS 10.15 (darwin/19.6.0) arch i386
3	:debug:sysinfo MacPorts 2.6.3
4	:debug:sysinfo Xcode 12.0.1
5	:debug:sysinfo SDK 10.15

And this is an error we have been seeing over and over and over with xcode12.

If you have a similar error, but not on xcode12, please consider opening a new ticket, and please upload a new log.

Version 0, edited 4 years ago by kencu (Ken) (next)

comment:7 Changed 4 years ago by bK4gYuRo

I filed #61307 for the build failure on 10.13.6

comment:8 Changed 4 years ago by bK4gYuRo

Errors look identical regardless of Xcode version. I could be wrong, but it seems there must be some other reason for the failure than xcode12. Builds on the buildbot farm were successful in July, and I successfully upgraded ghostscript on two other 10.13.6 systems previously. It just broke today.

comment:9 Changed 4 years ago by kencu (Ken)

you could be right. xcode12 has been throwing errors due to undeclared functions from missing headers, and we've seen lots of those, but it could be the function turns out to be just plain missing completely...if the same error shows up on < xcode12 that would be more complicated, indeed.

comment:10 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

I agree that both build failures share a cause/possible resolution, even though there are common complaints about implicit function declarations, which is an error in Xcode 12 and only a warning under older versions.

Regarding the first common error:

 ./base/fapi_ft.c:129:1: error: expected function body after function declarator
 FF_alloc(FT_Memory memory, long size)

I think this could mean it is treating the previous line FT_CALLBACK_DEF(void *) as the declarator, and ^ is where it expects the opening {—but maybe there would be more/other errors instead. But if this is the case, then I think this indicates a missing #include FT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H (what Ghostscript would use to #include <freetype/config/ftconfig.h> which defines FT_CALLBACK_DEF).

Last edited 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez) (previous) (diff)

comment:11 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

Cc: chrstphrchvz added

comment:12 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

<freetype/config/ftconfig.h> which defines FT_CALLBACK_DEF

Sorry, this is no longer the case as of freetype 2.10.3. Maybe the problem is in freetype rather than Ghostscript.

Last edited 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez) (previous) (diff)

comment:13 Changed 4 years ago by bK4gYuRo

If I revert freetype to @2.10.2_1, then ghostscript builds. It fails with freetype @2.10.3_0

comment:14 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

Ghostscript 9.52 bundles freetype 2.10.1, whereas in 2.10.3 FT_CALLBACK_DEF has moved to <freetype/internal/compiler-macros.h> and so is not considered part of the freetype public API (and not in any installed headers). I guess it is up to MacPorts to make Ghostscript work with newer external freetype.

comment:15 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

Put another way, I do not think downgrading to Xcode 11 will make this issue go away on macOS 10.15.

comment:16 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

comment:17 Changed 4 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Keywords: xcode12 added

comment:18 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

Owner: set to chrstphrchvz
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 90e528935b7c5474fe09bc999b8b945cd2724366/macports-ports (master):

ghostscript: fix build w/ freetype 2.10.3

Fixes: #61306

comment:19 Changed 4 years ago by chrstphrchvz (Christopher Chavez)

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