Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #62997, comment 1

May 30, 2021, 5:09:50 PM (3 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #62997, comment 1

    initial v1  
    2121The next line of defense we have is the LegacySupport PortGroup and system, which makes older systems look and work more like newer systems. As it turns out, htop already uses LegacySupport.
    23 Sometimes, the software will have so optional features that can be turned off on older systems, such has high-level encryption that uses Apple's Security Frameworks, or similar. That is easy enough, if it exists -- I did not investigate htop for this.
     23Sometimes, the software will have some optional features that can be turned off on older systems, such has high-level encryption that uses Apple's Security Frameworks, or similar. That is easy enough, if it exists -- I did not investigate htop for this.
    2525So the easy fixes are not, unfortunately, going to be the ones that work here. It will require someone interested in htop who has a Tiger system (VM or real) to sit down with the code and sort out why it is failing, and generate a patch.
    27 There are interested users, and hopefully you might become one of them, that generate such fixes. If they are not too squirrely, sometimes the upstream projects might accept them -- but don't hold your breath on that, because it is Tiger after all, obsolete for 15 year now.
     27There are interested users, and hopefully you might become one of them, that generate such fixes. If they are not too squirrely, sometimes the upstream projects might accept them -- but don't hold your breath on that, because it is Tiger after all, obsolete for 15 years now.
    2929For today, htop is not building on Tiger.