Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #63067, comment 4

Jun 17, 2021, 5:38:03 PM (3 years ago)
reneeotten (Renee Otten)


  • Ticket #63067, comment 4

    initial v1  
    33The port {{{ansible}}} doesn't install because it is replaced by {{{py-ansible}}}. So I am assuming for now that you did {{{sudo port install py39-ansible}}}. That port will automatically install its dependency ({{{py39-ansible-base}}}), which contains the executables.
    5 There are indeed two sets of them: one in the Python.framework directory and the others in {{{${prefix}/bin}}}, the latter ones have the postfix {{{-3.9}}} or something else depending on which Python version you installed them for. So you can run the program by doing {{{ansible-3.9}}} or, as the instructions tell you when installing the port you can select the version that you want to run when just typing {{{ansible}}}. Admittedly, these instruction somethings get buried in the full MacPorts output so you might have missed them; you can look at them again by doing {{{port notes py39-ansible-base}}}.
     5There are indeed two sets of them: one in the Python.framework directory and the others in {{{${prefix}/bin}}}, the latter ones have the postfix {{{-3.9}}} or something else depending on which Python version you installed them for. So you can run the program by doing {{{ansible-3.9}}} or, as the instructions tell you when installing the port you can select the version that you want to run when just typing {{{ansible}}}. Admittedly, these instruction sometimes get buried in the full MacPorts output so you might have missed them; you can look at them again by doing {{{port notes py39-ansible-base}}}.
    77This is the way it is supposed to work in MacPorts; since you often can install packages for different Python versions at the same time the Python version gets added to the files installed in {{{bin}}}. For the most commonly used packages there is often a {{{select}}} option that can be used to select the version you would like to run without specifying the version.