Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #63486, comment 3

Sep 14, 2021, 8:29:11 AM (3 years ago)
danchr (Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen)


  • Ticket #63486, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 The main attraction of PyPy is the JIT; without it, PyPy is essentially equivalent to CPython, only slower and less compatible. For macOS, the only supported JIT platform is AMD64, and I haven't seen any other news since the blog post, mentioned earlier, indicating otherwise. Because of that, I've disabled the port for other platforms, and I'm inclined to close this bug as WONTFIX; essentially, it's an upstream bug. Looking at [ their repository], hardly any work has been done on the effort.
     1The main attraction of PyPy is the JIT; without it, PyPy is essentially equivalent to CPython, only slower and less compatible. For macOS, the only supported JIT platform is AMD64, and I haven't seen any other news since the blog post, mentioned earlier, indicating otherwise. Looking at [ their repository], hardly any work has been done on the effort. Because of that, I've disabled the port for other platforms, and I'm inclined to close this bug as WONTFIX; essentially, it's an upstream bug.
    33Unless you have a concrete use-case where you could actually ''use'' a JIT-less PyPy, I believe the current behaviour is correct: Just refuse to install it on platforms where it's de facto useless, such as PowerPC and ARM64. If you ''do'' have such a use-case, please share!