Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #63492, comment 9

Sep 16, 2021, 1:31:50 PM (3 years ago)
reneeotten (Renee Otten)


  • Ticket #63492, comment 9

    initial v1  
    1313It's quite clear what is going on I think (based on your description and log files): you installed {{{conda}}} and created an (virtual) environment with it, then you installed {{{openslide}}} using {{{pip}}}, and then it tries to use the {{{openslide}}} library provided by MacPorts. So that's combining three different package managers, which is honestly asking for this kind of trouble. Of course, I am not saying that this can never work and it might be possible to work around the issues... but it's likely going to be hard. Additionally, I wouldn't consider really a MacPorts problem so don't know if anyone here would do it.
     14It is possible that it would work out-of-the-box with {{{brew}}} since they install files in a different location and the library might be found there "automatically"; this is pure speculation of course and you don't seem to have investigated that either.
    1616> Of course, this leaves me in exactly the same position I was in before, but with a little more knowledge. I am working as a small cog in a large software project, so a virtual environment is essential for me. The virtual environment I created to investigate the bug is the smallest possible to display the bug, and therefore (I thought) the least likely to cause a problem.