Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #65277, comment 3

Jun 3, 2022, 12:44:23 AM (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #65277, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 I could, and I have zero doubt that the binary would install and work just fine, but then I wouldn't be building software; I'm just installing it. It's a nice thing that MacPorts publishes binaries, but the single greatest feature of MacPorts is that it is a ''source'' package manager based on FreeBSD ports, based on pkgsrc. Perhaps absurdly, I'm not playing games with mame. MacPorts is the game I play. Building software thrills me, and no one is actually using mame on this machine (yet). I'm not even sure what's in the upgrade. I see binary availability as a workaround when there's no time to build, or building fails and something is needed right now. That's not the case. I can wait.
     1I could, and I have zero doubt that the binary would install and work just fine, but then I wouldn't be building software; I'm just installing it. It's a nice thing that MacPorts publishes binaries, but the single greatest feature of MacPorts is that it is a ''source'' package manager based on FreeBSD ports, based on pkgsrc. Perhaps absurdly, I'm not playing games with mame. MacPorts is the game I play. Building software thrills me, and no one is actually using mame on this machine (yet). I'm not even sure what's in the upgrade. I see binary availability as a workaround when there's no time to build, or building fails and something is needed right now. That's not the case, and it isn't a solution. Thanks, but I can wait.