Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #69727, comment 2

Apr 12, 2024, 7:41:55 PM (5 weeks ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #69727, comment 2

    initial v1  
    77> }}}
    9 I had noticed this too on my macOS 12 machine but hoped that it was just a transient problem, but I guess it isn't. I had worked around it temporarily by removing `--shallow-since=2024-03-25T00:00:00` from the Portfile. I guess maybe we have to remove that part permanently if bitbucker's git servers no longer accept this option. That results in fetching the entire history of the repository, however, which is large and takes a lot of time and disk space. Maybe there is a different flag we can use that would similarly limit the fetch to only what we need. Or maybe there is a way that we can fetch a distfile instead of fetching from the repo.
     9I had noticed this too on my macOS 12 machine but hoped that it was just a transient problem, but I guess it isn't. I had worked around it temporarily by removing `--shallow-since=2024-03-25T00:00:00` from the Portfile. I guess maybe we have to remove that part permanently if bitbucket's git servers no longer accept this option. That results in fetching the entire history of the repository, however, which is large and takes a lot of time and disk space. Maybe there is a different flag we can use that would similarly limit the fetch to only what we need. Or maybe there is a way that we can fetch a distfile instead of fetching from the repo.