Changes between Version 107 and Version 108 of KDEProblems

Nov 29, 2016, 11:38:08 PM (7 years ago)
RJVB (René Bertin)



  • KDEProblems

    v107 v108  
    4747We have thus chosen the approach of patching QStandardPaths in port:qt5-kde.
    4848More details are given in the qt5-kde ticket on trac, but suffice it to say that this patch has been done properly; whether or not QStandardPaths actually returns different (XDG-compliant) paths depends on a token used while building a dependent port. By default the change is dormant, and native, Mac-like paths are used.
     49KF5 ports can in principle be built with the mostly stock `port:qt5`, but this is unsupported and even untested (and many things will not work properly because of the reasons outline above).
     51The KDE developers consider KF5 a successor to and replacement of KDE4, so KF5 applications are not designed to co-exist with their KDE4 predecessors in the same prefix. Given the complications of introducing KF5 ports into MacPorts we do support concurrent installation wherever possible, but this requires changes to the KDE4 installation layout which haven't yet been committed, and also some adaptations in individual ports. A few KDE4 ports must be installed with the `+kf5compat` variant, while most KF5 ports have a `+kde4compat` variant which makes co-installation possible.
    5054'''So, if you're enthusiastic about Qt5 and/or KF5 on MacPorts, please support us!
    52 Some relevant tickets:
     56If you want to get your hands dirty and help as a beta-tester, there are 2 github repositories you can install and add (in `sources.conf`) as additional port trees. Regular "snapshots" of the development state are made to Marko's fork (, which mostly contains ports related to KF5 and/or Qt5. Development takes place in René's "macstrop" repository ( which also contains a number of unrelated ports and is thus less suitable for the "fainter of heart".[[BR]]
     57Both come with detailed installation instructions.
     59Current KF5 ports include `kf5-kate` (KDE's advanced text editor), `kf5-kdevelop` (a full-fledged IDE), `kf5-kile` (an integrated TeX/LaTeX environment), `kf5-kdenlive` (non-linear video editor), `kf5-krita` (photo editor) and `kf5-digikam` (photo management application).
     61Some relevant tickets on trac:
    5463 #48967 - submission: port:qt5-kde [[BR]]
    7281 #46978 - extra-cmake-modules (being the basis for creating KF5 ports) [[BR]]
    73  #48184 - kf5-attica (exemplarily) plus new {{{kf5}}} port group [[BR]]
     82 #48184 - kf5-attica plus new {{{kf5}}} port group [[BR]]