Changes between Version 114 and Version 115 of PortfileRecipes

Jul 21, 2023, 12:10:08 AM (10 months ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Remove outdated note about the obsolete portgroup (see #56023)


  • PortfileRecipes

    v114 v115  
    587587 1. Add the `replaced_by` line, indicating the name of the port by which this port has been replaced, for example `replaced_by vineserver`. This causes MacPorts, when running `sudo port upgrade osxvnc`, to deactivate osxvnc and to install vineserver in its place.
    588  1. Use the obsolete 1.0 PortGroup. This will take care of things like removing livecheck and giving the user a message stating that the port is indeed obsolete. Note that the `replaced_by` line must precede the `PortGroup obsolete 1.0` line.
     588 1. Use the obsolete 1.0 PortGroup. This will take care of things like removing livecheck and giving the user a message stating that the port is indeed obsolete.
    589589 1. In a comment, mention the date, one year in the future, that the port can be removed.
    590590 1. In order for osxvnc to appear in `port outdated`, increase the port's `version`, `revision` or `epoch`. Customarily, the old port's version is set to the version of the replacement port. So, when osxvnc @3.0_1 was replaced by vineserver @3.1_0, osxvnc's `version` was set to 3.1 and its `revision` dropped to 0 to match the new vineserver port. If the software was only renamed, without changing its version number, then increase the old port's `revision`.