Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #31995

Nov 9, 2011, 3:40:56 PM (13 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Why is making a variant better than doing it all the time, as shown in the patch in #22954?


  • Ticket #31995

    • Property Owner changed from macports-tickets@… to mww@…
  • Ticket #31995 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 This patch adds a new variant +corefoundation to tcl, which enables building with CoreFoundation support. This is related to the outstanding ticket , which has a patch file to enable CoreFoundation but not as a variant.  That solution was never merged into the tcl port, which means that the problem described in 22954 reoccurs with every update to the tcl port (e.g. I just had to re-patch the portfile for the Nth time due to the upgrade to 8.5.11 today).
     1This patch adds a new variant +corefoundation to tcl, which enables building with CoreFoundation support. This is related to the outstanding ticket #22954, which has a patch file to enable CoreFoundation but not as a variant.  That solution was never merged into the tcl port, which means that the problem described in #22954 reoccurs with every update to the tcl port (e.g. I just had to re-patch the portfile for the Nth time due to the upgrade to 8.5.11 today).
    33Creating a variant for corefoundation will fix this problem once and for all.