
Version 14 (modified by mkae (Marko Käning), 8 years ago) (diff)

change from MacPorts handle to GitHub identity

KDE software problems

KDE software tickets

My wiki notifications.

Tickets ( closed, unassigned with patch )

mkae (mk AT macports D.T org)

Assigned Tickets

No results

Reported Tickets

Git: pre-commit-hook with in-depth TCL syntax checking (i.e. beyond "port lint")
Git: pre-commit hook for 'port lint' if a Portfile is about to be committed
Git: pre-commit-hook should check whether mentioned PR IDs do exist
qyoto @ 4.14.3: fails to build on Yosemite
Currently failing KDE4 ports (because of concurrent qt4-mac and other reasons)
imlib2 @ 1.4.6: introduce x11 variant
[NEW] GammaRay - new port for Qt development
[NEW] New port KTp - KDE Telepathy
qt4-mac-mysql51-plugin upgrade after replacing mysql5 by mysql51 FAILS
kdenlive fails to run on 10.9 if gavl is installed
kdesvn changed project website
qwt60+examples installed, but no examples found
Qt-Creator doesn't open any pro file anymore
kdelibs4 doesn't respect startupitem

CC'ed Tickets

cmake 1.1 PG : ccache support
Qt5 : 5.9, 5.8 and Mac OS X 10.9
submission: port:qgpgme
port request: QMapShack
Submission: kf5-osx-integration
submission: port:qt5-kde
Qt5/qt5-kde PortGroup
Qt5 PortGroup : wrong use of qt5.using_kde and +qt5kde
Qt5 : load OpenSSL dynamically using MacPorts' port:openssl
preparing port:qt5-kde step 2 : the qt5 PortGroup(s)
cmake: doesn't recognize macports-clang (No known features for CXX compiler)
buildbot: allow building 'pseudoports'
add setting to allow main.log truncation
qt4-mac +debug: non-debug QtWebkit links to debug frameworks, and QtWebkit_debug does not exist
port lint should warn when modeline is missing
GitHub login redirects to main Trac page instead of the page I was on
Audacity doesn't install
Report Xcode version and other useful information in main.log
Buildbot: use GitHub authentication
netcdf @4.4.1: error: cannot combine with previous 'type-name' declaration specifier
MacPorts should use a bundled copy of a newer libcurl and SSL library rather than the OS X version
codesigning portgroup
port submission: arcanist
geant4: careful review of Qt5
CMake PortGroup : generate a file in ${workpath} containing the complete cmake invocation
sudo port install kate goes to sleep on El Capitan 10.11.2
new port: kf5-kwalletmanager
new ports: kf5-{libkomparediff2,kompare}
boost @1.59.0 +mpich+no_single+no_static+python27: ld: file not found: /opt/local/lib/libboost_chrono-mt.dylib for architecture x86_64
attica : move Qt4/KDE4 headers and add Qt5 subport
qt4/5: set default QThread thread stack size to a reasonable value
[KDE4]: move headerfiles to a dedicated TLD and other housekeeping
Add portfile for installing sonarqube
kate @4.14.3_0: screen refreshing problem
digikam @4.9.0: build fails after upgrade to opencv 3.0.0 due to API/header changes
digikam: update to 4.10.0, mariadb variant and dependency cleanup
libgcrypt abort/crash when using krdc to connect to an OS X host
digikam @4.10.0 No video playback [Portfile PATCH]
exim: deprecate mysql5 for mysql51, add mysql56, mariadb as of #43431
digikam: Add variant for external mysql database; rename variant for internal mysql database; update mysql dependency
cmake-based ports: Switch to cmake 1.1 portgroup
port submission: qarte
Port submission: translations for Calligra Suite 2.9.0
Port submission: Calligra Suite 2.9.0
pairs: build failure Generating pairs_SRCS.icns
qt4-mac +KDE variant.
qt4-mac "noexceptions" variant
crash in gst_plugin_scanner from port:gstreamer010
port uninstall does not remove the app files
kgraphviewer update
[enh] logsentry
port submission: qtchooser
okular @0.6.4 makes broken screen when scrolling
Failed to Install SoXt on Yosemite
building kdepim4-runtime 4.13.3 on OS X 10.6.8 (symbol visibility)
issues with port:libkgapi: case-folding and exported symbols
limit Qt4's menu item placement guessing and the damages it can cause
make Qt4 respect icon visibility preferences in the system tray menu
[developer] kdelibs4 4.14/git/master portfile and directory
kdelibs4 configure failure
[NEW] Suggestion for a new port rekonq
[NEW] webkitkde submission
[NEW] Yakuake packaging
[NEW] Cling
Ports with mysql4 or mysql5 variants and/or dependencies should switch to using mysql57+ or mariadb.
openal-soft @1.15.1: complains about pulseaudio (@5.0) not being built with capabilities support
Replace GitX port with GitX-dev
[NEW] suricata 1.4.7
RFE: Add a conf option to automatically run test phase during normal install process
kde4-baseapps build failure on OS X 10.6.8
kate @4.11.2_0 unexpected behavior with dynamic word wrap
Use -isystem instead of -I in default configure.cppflags
kcachegrind4: Allow use of unixODBC
smokeqt configure fails
Ports that use qmake: consider using the new qmake portgroup
Uninstalling replaced port with dependents has to be forced
kgraphviewer @2.1.1_0: build failure - package 'libgraph' not found
akregator crashing at start up
Memory Issue when using Kile
doxygen and xorg-libxcb circular dependency
calligra: new port submission
libkdcraw: LLVM ERROR: Cannot yet select: 0x100cb5b10: f32 = ConstantFP<0.000000e+00> [ORD=625] [ID=4]
Amarok cannot play any audio files / phonon backend missing
ext2fuse: mounted filesystem not readable (PPC or 32bit issue?)
Each MacPorts install adds a $PATH variable even if it already exists; Also, puts it after rvm $PATH variable
no kdepim4 application work.
Port request- shairport
kdeinit4 doesn't start: complains about dbus not running
KDE4 PortGroup: generic icons in Applications folder
[NEW] koffice2 seems to have been forgotten
gcc43 4.3.1_1 - No port for GDB and Apple GDB fails to debug mp-gcc43 executables
RFE: 'port upgrade' could report # of packages to be upgraded