Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#30507 closed defect (invalid)

port self update Please help me.

Reported by: fundix@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: base Version: 2.0.0
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by neverpanic (Clemens Lang))

Hi, I can't find solution for this problem: (thank you)

port selfupdate
Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider using selfupdate
--->  Updating the ports tree
Error: Synchronization of the local ports tree failed doing rsync
Error: /opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Couldn't sync the ports tree: Synchronization of 1 source(s) failed

Change History (15)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by neverpanic (Clemens Lang)

Component: portsbase
Description: modified (diff)

Please run with the -d switch as follows

port -d selfupdate

and post or upload the output.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by fundix@…

port -d selfupdate
Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider using selfupdate
--->  Updating the ports tree
DEBUG: Synchronizing ports tree(s)
Synchronizing local ports tree from rsync://
DEBUG: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after '--exclude=/PortIndex*' rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
receiving file list ... done
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)
... ... ...

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by fundix@…

I try with sudo and then without.

port -d selfupdate
--->  Updating the ports tree
DEBUG: Synchronizing ports tree(s)
Synchronizing local ports tree from rsync://
DEBUG: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after '--exclude=/PortIndex*' rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
receiving file list ... done
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: failed to set times on "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/": Operation not permitted (1)

sent 59 bytes  received 533757 bytes  82125.54 bytes/sec
total size is 29287745  speedup is 54.86
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-42/rsync/main.c(1400) [generator=2.6.9]
shell command "/usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after '--exclude=/PortIndex*' rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/" returned error 23
Error: Synchronization of the local ports tree failed doing rsync
DEBUG: Couldn't sync the ports tree: Synchronization of 1 source(s) failed
    while executing
"macports::selfupdate [array get global_options] base_updated"
Error: /opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Couldn't sync the ports tree: Synchronization of 1 source(s) failed

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

I don't see the attempt using sudo in the output you've provided.

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by fundix@…

sudo port -d selfupdate
--->  Updating the ports tree
DEBUG: Synchronizing ports tree(s)
Synchronizing local ports tree from rsync://
DEBUG: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after '--exclude=/PortIndex*' rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
receiving file list ... done

sent 59 bytes  received 533757 bytes  71175.47 bytes/sec
total size is 29287745  speedup is 54.86
Creating port index in /opt/local/var/macports/sources/

Total number of ports parsed:	0 
Ports successfully parsed:	0 
Ports failed:			0 
Up-to-date ports skipped:	8211

DEBUG: MacPorts sources location: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
--->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
receiving file list ... done
deleting config.log

sent 42 bytes  received 6707 bytes  1928.29 bytes/sec
total size is 2952435  speedup is 437.46
MacPorts base version 1.9.2 installed,
DEBUG: Rebuilding and reinstalling MacPorts if needed
MacPorts base version 2.0.0 downloaded.
--->  MacPorts base is outdated, installing new version 2.0.0
DEBUG: Permissions OK
Installing new MacPorts release in /opt/local as root:wheel; permissions 0755; Tcl-Package in /Library/Tcl

checking build system type... i386-apple-darwin11.0.0
checking host system type... i386-apple-darwin11.0.0
checking target system type... i386-apple-darwin11.0.0
checking MacPorts version... 2.0.0
checking for sw_vers... /usr/bin/sw_vers
checking for defaults... /usr/bin/defaults
checking for xcode-select... no
checking Mac OS X version... 10.7
checking Xcode version... 3.2.6
checking for gcc... /usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2
checking whether the C compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/opt/local/var/macports/sources/':
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
shell command "cd /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ && CC=/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-tclpackage=/Library/Tcl --with-install-user=root --with-install-group=wheel --with-directory-mode=0755 --enable-readline && make && make install" returned error 77
DEBUG: Error installing new MacPorts base: shell command failed (see log for details)
    while executing
"macports::selfupdate [array get global_options] base_updated"
Error: /opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Error installing new MacPorts base: shell command failed (see log for details)

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Yes, you will need to use "sudo".

"C compiler cannot create executables" means Xcode is not properly installed. (Re-)Install Xcode.

comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Specifically, I see you are on Lion, but have Xcode 3.2.6. Xcode 3.2.6 is for Snow Leopard. For Lion you need Xcode 4.1. Get it from the Mac App Store.

comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

comment:9 Changed 14 years ago by fundix@…

thank you! (new version of xcode solved problem)

comment:10 Changed 13 years ago by SiggyF

Cc: f.baart@… added

Cc Me!

comment:11 Changed 13 years ago by SiggyF

Cc: f.baart@… removed

Cc Me!

comment:12 Changed 13 years ago by SiggyF

Cc: f.baart@… added

Cc Me!

comment:13 Changed 13 years ago by SiggyF

Cc: f.baart@… removed

Cc Me!

comment:14 Changed 11 years ago by jamesrome@…

I am getting this since upgrading to Mavericks: ---> Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync receiving file list ... done

sent 36 bytes received 69 bytes 210.00 bytes/sec total size is 4925440 speedup is 46908.95 receiving file list ... done

sent 36 bytes received 76 bytes 74.67 bytes/sec total size is 512 speedup is 4.57 DEBUG: successful verification with key /opt/local/share/macports/macports-pubkey.pem DEBUG: /usr/bin/tar -C /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ -xf /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ MacPorts base version 2.1.3 installed, DEBUG: Rebuilding and reinstalling MacPorts if needed MacPorts base version 2.2.1 downloaded. ---> Updating the ports tree Synchronizing local ports tree from rsync:// DEBUG: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ receiving file list ... done

sent 36 bytes received 70 bytes 70.67 bytes/sec total size is 57999360 speedup is 547163.77 DEBUG: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ receiving file list ... done

sent 36 bytes received 77 bytes 75.33 bytes/sec total size is 512 speedup is 4.53 DEBUG: successful verification with key /opt/local/share/macports/macports-pubkey.pem DEBUG: /usr/bin/tar -C /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ -xf /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ DEBUG: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ receiving file list ... done

sent 36 bytes received 70 bytes 70.67 bytes/sec total size is 10102602 speedup is 95307.57 DEBUG: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after rsync:// /opt/local/var/macports/sources/ receiving file list ... done

sent 36 bytes received 77 bytes 75.33 bytes/sec total size is 512 speedup is 4.53 DEBUG: successful verification with key /opt/local/share/macports/macports-pubkey.pem Synchronizing local ports tree from file:///opt/mports/trunk/dports DEBUG: /usr/bin/svn update --non-interactive /opt/mports/trunk/dports DEBUG: changing euid/egid - current euid: 0 - current egid: 0 svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command svn: E155036: Working copy '/opt/mports/trunk/dports' is too old (format 10, created by Subversion 1.6) Command failed: /usr/bin/svn update --non-interactive /opt/mports/trunk/dports Exit code: 1 DEBUG: command execution failed

while executing

"system $svn_commandline" Error: Synchronization of the local ports tree failed doing an svn update DEBUG: Couldn't sync the ports tree: Synchronization of 1 source(s) failed

while executing

"macports::selfupdate [array get global_options] base_updated" Error: /opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Couldn't sync the ports tree: Synchronization of 1 source(s) failed

comment:15 in reply to:  14 Changed 11 years ago by larryv (Lawrence Velázquez)

Replying to jamesrome@…:

Synchronizing local ports tree from file:///opt/mports/trunk/dports
DEBUG: /usr/bin/svn update --non-interactive /opt/mports/trunk/dports
DEBUG: changing euid/egid - current euid: 0 - current egid: 0
svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command
svn: E155036: Working copy '/opt/mports/trunk/dports' is too old (format 10, created by Subversion 1.6)
Command failed: /usr/bin/svn update --non-interactive /opt/mports/trunk/dports

The Subversion checkout located at /opt/mports/trunk/dports needs to be upgraded to a newer format.

% /usr/bin/svn upgrade /opt/mports/trunk/dports
Last edited 11 years ago by larryv (Lawrence Velázquez) (previous) (diff)
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