Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#34846 assigned enhancement

auctex: add biber variant

Reported by: seanfarley (Sean Farley) Owned by: jjstickel (Jonathan Stickel)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: auctex, emacs, biber Cc: reilles@…, drkp (Dan Ports), kurthindenburg (Kurt Hindenburg)
Port: auctex


This is a major update to the auctex port. I've been keeping track and getting incremental updates from their cvs repo into mercurial here:

This update also includes a new variant based on biber:

Attachments (4)

Portfile (2.2 KB) - added by seanfarley (Sean Farley) 13 years ago.
auctex portfile
biber.patch (22.1 KB) - added by seanfarley (Sean Farley) 13 years ago.
biber variant patch
auctex-whitespace.patch (3.2 KB) - added by seanfarley (Sean Farley) 12 years ago.
clean up whitespace
auctex-biber.patch (882 bytes) - added by seanfarley (Sean Farley) 12 years ago.
add biber variant

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

Changed 13 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Attachment: Portfile added

auctex portfile

Changed 13 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Attachment: biber.patch added

biber variant patch

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Cc: reilles@… added

Cc'ing port's maintainer.

We'd usually want to see a unified diff of the Portfile instead of a complete new Portfile to make it easier to evaluate your changes.

Usually we want to update to stable versions of software. Is there a new stable version of auctex scheduled to be released in the foreseeable future?

I'm worried about the "make; make; make" in the build phase. That makes it sound like there's a parallel build failure, in which case we'd want to "use_parallel_build no" instead, but I did not test whether that would work in this case.

Running ./ implies that you should be adding build dependencies on autoconf, automake, and/or libtool (as MacPorts would do if you were using "use_autoconf yes").

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 12 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Replying to ryandesign@…:

Cc'ing port's maintainer.

Aha, thanks!

We'd usually want to see a unified diff of the Portfile instead of a complete new Portfile to make it easier to evaluate your changes.

Fair enough; I'll send that for future updates.

Usually we want to update to stable versions of software. Is there a new stable version of auctex scheduled to be released in the foreseeable future?

There's hasn't been a stable release in the past two years; nor does there ever seem to be one. But, to be honest, I can't find the original reason for using the bleeding edge version.

I'm worried about the "make; make; make" in the build phase. That makes it sound like there's a parallel build failure, in which case we'd want to "use_parallel_build no" instead, but I did not test whether that would work in this case.

Yes, I am not happy about that either (and embarrassingly, an old artifact left in the Portfile). After some digging, it's not because of using a parallel make but rather because of using a CVS checkout.

Running ./ implies that you should be adding build dependencies on autoconf, automake, and/or libtool (as MacPorts would do if you were using "use_autoconf yes").

Ack, yes, good catch. I'm going to rollback to 11.86 and apply the biber patches (which are a new feature); then rebuild and resubmit the patch.

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Well, I don't remember why I initially needed the CVS version of auctex; so for now I've reverted back to 11.86. The patch I just added to this ticket adds a new variant, +biber, based of of this:

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by drkp (Dan Ports)

Cc: dports@… added

Cc Me!

comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Summary: auctex: update to 2012auctex: add biber variant
Type: updateenhancement
Version: 2.1.1

Please don't mix whitespace changes with functional changes. If you want to make whitespace changes as well, submit them as a separate patch.

Changed 12 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Attachment: auctex-whitespace.patch added

clean up whitespace

Changed 12 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Attachment: auctex-biber.patch added

add biber variant

comment:6 in reply to:  5 Changed 12 years ago by seanfarley (Sean Farley)

Replying to jmr@…:

Please don't mix whitespace changes with functional changes. If you want to make whitespace changes as well, submit them as a separate patch.

Finally got around to fixing the patches. They are both attached to this ticket now. Let me know if anything else needs to be fixed!

comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by kurthindenburg (Kurt Hindenburg)

Cc: kurthindenburg added

I just updated auctex to 11.91 - if you want to generate another patch I can commit.

comment:8 Changed 4 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Owner: changed from macports-tickets@… to jjstickel
Status: newassigned
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.