Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#54219 closed defect (fixed)

neomutt: fails to create manual.html and manual.txt

Reported by: richardp345 Owned by: lbschenkel (Leonardo Brondani Schenkel)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.4.1
Keywords: Cc:
Port: neomutt


xsltproc --nonet -o manual.html ./html.xsl manual.xml
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
warning: failed to load external entity ""
compilation error: file ./html.xsl line 3 element import
xsl:import : unable to load
make[3]: [manual.html] Error 5 (ignored)
LC_ALL=C w3m -dump -O UTF8 manual.html > manual.txt || \
        LC_ALL=C lynx -dump -nolist -with_backspaces -display_charset=us-ascii manual.html > manual.txt || \
        LC_ALL=C elinks -dump -no-numbering -no-references manual.html | sed -e 's,\\001, ,g' > manual.txt
/bin/sh: w3m: command not found
/bin/sh: lynx: command not found
ELinks: No such file or directory

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Owner: set to lbschenkel
Status: newassigned

In the future, please Cc the port maintainers (port info --maintainers neomutt), if any.

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Is this a runtime error after the port installs successfully?

If so, it looks like runtime dependencies on w3m and lynx need to be added.

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by lbschenkel (Leonardo Brondani Schenkel)

I can reproduce this. I missed those build-time dependencies when I authored the port.

However, instead of adding them globally I'm inclined to add a +doc or +html variant so you only bring them in case you're interested in building the html docs. How does that sound?

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by lbschenkel (Leonardo Brondani Schenkel)

Between lynx, w3m and links I would prefer to depend on links since it's the one with the least amount of dependencies (lynx in particular would be quite bad from that perspective). Are you aware of any particular difference in quality of the html output produced by w3m and links that would justify picking one over the other?

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by lbschenkel (Leonardo Brondani Schenkel)

No opinions/comments on the matter? If none, I'm going to go ahead and do the changes I find sensible.

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by mf2k (Frank Schima)

Please go ahead and do what you see fit. +doc variants are rather common in other ports.

comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by lbschenkel (Leonardo Brondani Schenkel)

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In b4e79d02365ea21b01d3d108d3fe957f86cfbf45/macports-ports:

neomutt: update to 20171013 (autosetup, new variants)

This upstream release migrated to autosetup for configuration insted of
autotools (which is still available but is deprecated). The switches in
the Portfile were changed to conform with the new syntax.

The variant +debug was removed since the switch disappeared from
upstream ('--debug' still exists but it controls the level of autosetup
logging, not if debug symbols are included in the binaries).

The variant +ssl was removed and SSL is now mandatory for this port.

New variants +gss and +lua were introduced that expose the respective
build configuration switches.

A bug related to building the documentation (due to missing dependencies)
was fixed. Building the documentation is now optional and controlled by
the +doc variant in order to minimize the number of dependencies
required by default.

Closes: #54219

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