Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#54332 closed enhancement (invalid)

Support for setting Deployment Target and Base SDK

Reported by: ssisak (Steve Sisak) Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: base Version: 2.4.1
Keywords: Cc: zmughal (Zaki Mughal [sivoais])

Description (last modified by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt))

I'm using macports to build static libraries (i.e. ffmpeg and its dependencies) which will eventually be linked into an embedded framework in an application that may be deployed on multiple platforms, including systems older than the one I'm building on. In this case I'd like to build on 10.12 and deploy on 10.9 or later.

In Xcode, I'd just set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9 and be done.

It appears that macports had a similar macports.conf feature (universal_target) which was removed, linking back to r30396

Looking for a way to set this so that I don't get errors linking static libraries built with macorts into a framework with a different deployment target for instance:

ld: warning: object file (/Users/sgs/GotoReplay/Source/gotoreplay/Common/IOXMediaFoundation/FFmpeg/local/lib/libavutil.a(dict.o)) was built for newer OSX version (10.12) than being linked (10.9)

There are also valid reasons to set SDKROOT

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

You can set macosx_deployment_target and macosx_sdk_version in macports.conf. They're undocumented because not all ports honor these settings.

comment:2 in reply to:  1 ; Changed 8 years ago by ssisak (Steve Sisak)

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

Replying to ryandesign:

You can set macosx_deployment_target and macosx_sdk_version in macports.conf. They're undocumented because not all ports honor these settings.

Thanks, gave it a try and doesn't appear reliable: someone is linking agains the wrong C++ libraries (see errors below).

In general, this is something that ports shouldn't have to be aware of as it's at the compiler/linker level.

The problem is that Apple guarantees forward, but not backward ABI compatibilty unless the deployment target is set for the oldest supported OS.

I'll reopen as a feature request, but understand if resolution is "Can't do it because CMAKE sucks".

Showing All Errors Only

"vtable for cxxabiv1::si_class_type_info", referenced from:

typeinfo for x265::SEIContentLightLevel in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::SEIMasteringDisplayColorVolume in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::SEIuserDataUnregistered in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::SEIActiveParameterSets in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::Bitstream in libx265.a(bitstream.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::WorkerThread in libx265.a(threadpool.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::SEIBufferingPeriod in libx265.a(ratecontrol.cpp.o)


NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition.

"vtable for cxxabiv1::vmi_class_type_info", referenced from:

typeinfo for x265::SEI in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::SEI in libx265.a(ratecontrol.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::FrameEncoder in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::SEI in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

typeinfo for x265::FrameFilter::ParallelFilter in libx265.a(framefilter.cpp.o)

NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition.

"operator delete[](void*)", referenced from:

x265::Encoder::destroy() in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::FrameEncoder::destroy() in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

x265::Frame::destroy() in libx265.a(frame.cpp.o)

x265::Lookahead::destroy() in libx265.a(slicetype.cpp.o)

x265::FrameFilter::destroy() in libx265.a(framefilter.cpp.o)

x265::FrameData::destroy() in libx265.a(framedata.cpp.o)

x265::SAOParam::~SAOParam() in libx265.a(framedata.cpp.o)


"operator delete(void*)", referenced from:

_x265_encoder_open_116 in libx265.a(api.cpp.o)

_x265_encoder_close in libx265.a(api.cpp.o)

x265::Encoder::destroy() in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::Encoder::encode(x265_picture const*, x265_picture*) in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::Encoder::computeSPSRPSIndex() in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::SEIContentLightLevel::~SEIContentLightLevel() in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::SEIMasteringDisplayColorVolume::~SEIMasteringDisplayColorVolume() in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)


"operator new[](unsigned long)", referenced from:

x265::Encoder::encode(x265_picture const*, x265_picture*) in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::ThreadPool::allocThreadPools(x265_param*, int&, bool) in libx265.a(threadpool.cpp.o)

x265::FrameEncoder::init(x265::Encoder*, int, int) in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

x265::FrameEncoder::threadMain() in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

x265::FrameEncoder::compressFrame() in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

x265::SAO::allocSaoParam(x265::SAOParam*) const in libx265.a(sao.cpp.o)

x265::Frame::create(x265_param*, float*) in libx265.a(frame.cpp.o)


"operator new(unsigned long)", referenced from:

_x265_encoder_open_116 in libx265.a(api.cpp.o)

x265::Encoder::create() in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::Encoder::encode(x265_picture const*, x265_picture*) in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::Encoder::computeSPSRPSIndex() in libx265.a(encoder.cpp.o)

x265::FrameEncoder::init(x265::Encoder*, int, int) in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

x265::FrameEncoder::threadMain() in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

x265::SAO::startSlice(x265::Frame*, x265::Entropy&) in libx265.a(sao.cpp.o)


"_cxa_guard_acquire", referenced from:

x265::RateControl::rateEstimateQscale(x265::Frame*, x265::RateControlEntry*) in libx265.a(ratecontrol.cpp.o)

x265::Deblock::getBoundaryStrength(x265::CUData const*, int, unsigned int, unsigned char const*) in libx265.a(deblock.cpp.o)

"_cxa_guard_release", referenced from:

x265::RateControl::rateEstimateQscale(x265::Frame*, x265::RateControlEntry*) in libx265.a(ratecontrol.cpp.o)

x265::Deblock::getBoundaryStrength(x265::CUData const*, int, unsigned int, unsigned char const*) in libx265.a(deblock.cpp.o)

"_cxa_pure_virtual", referenced from:

vtable for x265::BondedTaskGroup in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

vtable for x265::Thread in libx265.a(threading.cpp.o)

vtable for x265::BondedTaskGroup in libx265.a(slicetype.cpp.o)

vtable for x265::BondedTaskGroup in libx265.a(framefilter.cpp.o)

vtable for x265::BondedTaskGroup in libx265.a(search.cpp.o)

vtable for x265::BondedTaskGroup in libx265.a(analysis.cpp.o)

vtable for x265::WaveFront in libx265.a(wavefront.cpp.o)


"_dynamic_cast", referenced from:

x265::FrameEncoder::threadMain() in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

x265::Entropy::finishSlice() in libx265.a(frameencoder.cpp.o)

"_clock_gettime", referenced from:

_av_gettime_relative in libavutil.a(time.o)

_av_gettime_relative in libavutil.a(time.o)

_av_gettime_relative_is_monotonic in libavutil.a(time.o)

"_kVDADecoderConfiguration_Height", referenced from:

comment:3 in reply to:  2 ; Changed 8 years ago by raimue (Rainer Müller)

Since this is an undocumented option in macports.conf, you should also not expect this to be tested much. In this case, it looks like you have to dive into x265 to find out why it is being linked the wrong way. Note the cmake port group already passes -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=... and -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=.... Check that these configure options have the values you expect. Of course, patches to make ports honor the SDK selection are welcome and will be applied.

comment:4 in reply to:  3 Changed 8 years ago by ssisak (Steve Sisak)

Replying to raimue:

Of course, patches to make ports honor the SDK selection are welcome and will be applied.

Thanks -- will give that a try eventually. Note that this was a small chunk of the errors, there are multiple ports misbehaving.

Need to evaluate if it will be quicker for my own need so just build the binary on a machine running 10.9 or require a MacPorts install on the target machine (which means I can't just ship an application).

comment:5 Changed 8 years ago by raimue (Rainer Müller)

Resolution: invalid
Status: reopenedclosed

As I noticed x265 has no other dependencies, I just gave it a spin and it works for me.

macosx_deployment_target 10.9
macosx_sdk_version 10.12
ports/multimedia/x265 $ sudo port -v destroot
ports/multimedia/x265 $ otool -l work/destroot/opt/local/lib/libx265.dylib |grep -B1 -A3 LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX
Load command 8
  cmdsize 16
  version 10.9
      sdk 10.12

comment:6 Changed 8 years ago by ssisak (Steve Sisak)

It BUILDS fine -- those errors come from linking the static .a into a private Framework that deploys on 10.9

(Errors are from linking the .a with the framework)

The test would be to link the .a built by MacPorts into an application built targeting 10.9

My intent here is to build a static copy of FFmpeg into an embeddable framework (including some nice Objective-C/Swift wrappers) which can be open-sourced to comply with GPL2.

I also occurred to me that some of those errors might be the result of the framework not having C++, so let me check that as well.

comment:7 Changed 4 years ago by zmughal (Zaki Mughal [sivoais])

Cc: zmughal added
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